
2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002


1. SEBASTIÃO, GLAUCIA I.A. ; RANI-BORGES, BÁRBARA ; DIPOLD, JESSICA ; FREITAS, ANDERSON Z. ; WETTER, NIKLAUS U. ; ANDO, ROMULO A. ; WALDMAN, WALTER R. . Forensic determination of adhesive vinyl microplastics in urban soils. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, v. 373, p. 123498, 2025

2. ASSUNÇÃO, ISRAEL P. ; COSTA, ISRAEL F. ; BLOIS, LUCCA ; FELINTO, MARIA CLAUDIA F. C. ; DEFLON, VICTOR M. ; Ando, Rômulo A. ; MALTA, OSCAR L. ; BRITO, HERMI F. . High red luminescence intensity under sunlight exposure of a PMMA polymer doped with a tetrakis Eu 3+ β-diketonate complex containing a benzimidazolium counterion. RSC Advances, v. 15, p. 435-445, 2025.

3. NUNES, MÁRIO A.B.S. ; VILAS BOAS, ANNA C.D. ; FERNANDES, RODRIGO ; ITRI, ROSANGELA ; MARQUES, LEANDRO R. ; Ando, Rômulo A. ; PETRI, DENISE F.S. . Kapok fibers modified with cationic surfactants: Structural insights and efficient removal of Cr(VI) and bisphenol A. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, v. 683, p. 1119-1134, 2025.

4. BERTAGLIA, THIAGO; NEUBERT, TILMANN J.; IOST, RODRIGO M., BALASUBRAMANIAN, KANNAN; CRESPILHO, FRANK N.. Consequences of edge and substrate modifications on graphene electrochemistry. CURRENT OPINION IN ELECTROCHEMISTRY, v. 50, 2025.


1. PASCHOAL, VITOR H.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C. Phase transitions of choline dihydrogen phosphate: A vibrational spectroscopy and periodic DFT study. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 160, p. 094507, 2024. (

2. DE AZEVEDO, ISREELE JUSSARA GOMES; DE MORAES, BEATRIZ ROCHA; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; DOS ANJOS GUIMARÃES, GABRIEL; PEROTTI, GUSTAVO FRIGI; SANT’ANNA, BRUNO SAMPAIO; HATTORI, GUSTAVO YOMAR. Microplastics in catfish Pterygoplichthys pardalis (Castelnau 1855) and Hoplosternum littorale (Hancock, 1828) marketed in Itacoatiara, Amazonas, Brazil. ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY OF FISHES, v. 107, p. 107-119, 2024. (

3. QUEIROZ, LUCAS G.; PRADO, CAIO C. A.; MELO, EDUARDO C.; MORAES, BEATRIZ R.; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO F. M.; Ando, Rômulo A.; PAIVA, TERESA C. B.; POMPÊO, MARCELO; RANI-BORGES, BÁRBARA. Biofragmentation of Polystyrene Microplastics: A Silent Process Performed by Chironomus sancticaroli Larvae. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, v. 58, p. 4510-4521, 2024. (

4. QUEIROZ, LUCAS GONÇALVES; POMPÊO, MARCELO; DE MORAES, BEATRIZ ROCHA; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; RANI-BORGES, BÁRBARA. Implications of damming and morphological diversity of microplastics in the sediment from a tropical freshwater reservoir. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 12, p. 112234, 2024. (

5. R. DE MORAES, BEATRIZ; PASCHOAL, VITOR H.; KEPPELER, NICOLAS; EL SEOUD, OMAR A.; Ando, Rômulo A. The Coiling Effect in Ether Ionic Liquids: Exploiting Acetate as a Probe for Transport Properties and Microenvironment Analysis. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, v. 128, p. 4759-4769, 2024. (

6. PRADA RAMIREZ, OSCAR MAURICIO; ALMEIDA, THASSIA FELIX DE; MARIN, JAYR HENRIQUE; SUEGAMA, PATRÍCIA HATSUE; STARYKEVICH, MAKSIM; FERREIRA, MARIO G.S.; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; DE MELO, HERCÍLIO GOMES. Effect of hydrolysis time on the corrosion resistance of sol-gel coated AA2024-T3 anodized in TSA. SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, v. 482, p. 130683, 2024. (

7. RUBIO, THIAGO I.; FRANCISCO, DANIEL DOS SANTOS; Ando, Rômulo A.; RODRIGUES FILHO, UBIRAJARA PEREIRA; FERREIRA-NETO, ELIAS P.; MANZANI, DANILO. Bifunctional titanium boron-phosphate glass containing Ag nanoparticles for the detection and photocatalysis of organic compounds. MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, v. 320, p. 129390, 2024. (

8. OLIVATTO, GLAUCIA PEREGRINA; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; FERNANDES, RAFAELLA FERREIRA; DE MORAES, NICOLI GOMES; TORNISIELO, VALDEMAR LUIZ. A critical comparison of the main characterization techniques for microplastics identification in an accelerated aging laboratory experiment. Water Emerging Contaminants & Nanoplastics, v. 3, p. 1-12, 2024. (

9. DA COSTA CAMPOS NETO, MARIO; FRUGIS, GABRIELLA LABATE; WESTIN, ALICE; CABY, RENAUD; NOBRE, AUGUSTO G.; BRUGIER, OLIVIER; Ando, Rômulo A. Passive continental margin subducted to mantle depths: Coesite-bearing metasedimentary rocks from the Neoproterozoic Brasília Orogen, West Gondwana margin. PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, v. 410, p. 107469, 2024. (

10. RODRIGUES, KARLA FERNANDA SANCHES; RANI-BORGES, BÁRBARA; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; SUFFREDINI, IVANA BARBOSA; SMITH, WELBER SENTEIO. Presence of Microplastics in Workers of Apis mellifera (Linnaeus, 1758) in Different Landscapes in Brazil. WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION, v. 235, p. 593, 2024. (

11. SAMPAIO, ABNER M. ; RIBEIRO, MAURO C.C. . The infrared spectrum of the protic ionic liquid 1-methylimidazolium nitrate: An ab initio molecular dynamics simulation study. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 415, p. 126277, 2024.


1. BERNARDINO, KALIL; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C. Confined ionic liquids films under shear: The importance of the chemical nature of the solid surface. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 158, p. 094712, 2023. (

2. DE SOUZA, ÍCARO F.T.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C.C. Understanding ion-ion and ion-urea interactions in mixtures of urea and choline oxyanions salts. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 379, p. 121647, 2023. (

3. PASCHOAL, VITOR HUGO; RIBEIRO, MAURO. DFT and Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Infrared Spectrum of the Protic Ionic Liquid 2-Hydroxyethylammonium Formate. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 25, p. 26475-26485, 2023. (

4. DOS ANJOS GUIMARÃES, GABRIEL; DE MORAES, BEATRIZ ROCHA; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; SANT’ANNA, BRUNO SAMPAIO; PEROTTI, GUSTAVO FRIGI; HATTORI, GUSTAVO YOMAR. Microplastic contamination in the freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium amazonicum in Itacoatiara, Amazonas, Brazil. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, v. 195, p. 1-17, 2023. (

5. RANI-BORGES, BÁRBARA; QUEIROZ, LUCAS GONÇALVES; PRADO, CAIO CÉSAR ACHILES; DE MORAES, BEATRIZ ROCHA; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; DE PAIVA, TERESA CRISTINA BRAZIL; POMPÊO, MARCELO. Biological responses of Chironomus sancticaroli to exposure to naturally aged PP microplastics under realistic concentrations. ECOTOXICOLOGY, v. 32, p. 300-308, 2023. (

6. LOPES, DOUGLAS DOS SANTOS; MIRANDA, ESTER VILELA; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; Corio, Paola. SERS-based Detection of an Organochlorine Pesticide Through Surface Plasmon-Induced C-C Coupling. Environmental Science-Nano, v. 10, p. 1920-1931, 2023. (

7. PRADA RAMIREZ, O.M.; KREMMER, T.M.; MARIN, J.H.; DA SILVA, B.P.; STARYKEVICH, M.; TUNES, M.A.; FERREIRA, M.G.S.; AOKI, I.V.; ANDO, R.A.; POGATSCHER, S.; DE MELO, H.G. Ce nanoparticles and sol-gel hybrid organic-inorganic coatings maximize corrosion protection in the anodized AA2024-T3. CORROSION SCIENCE, v. 221, p. 111330, 2023. (

8. RANI-BORGES, BÁRBARA; QUEIROZ, LUCAS GONÇALVES; PRADO, CAIO CÉSAR ACHILES; DE MELO, EDUARDO CARMINE; DE MORAES, BEATRIZ ROCHA; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; DE PAIVA, TERESA CRISTINA BRAZIL; POMPÊO, MARCELO. Exposure of the amphipod Hyalella azteca to microplastics. A study on subtoxic responses and particle biofragmentation. AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY, v. 258, p. 106516, 2023. (


10. NOBRE, AUGUSTO GONÇALVES; DE ANDRADE, FABIO RAMOS DIAS; SALAZAR-NARANJO, ANDRES FABIAN; RIGUE, JOSUE NEROTI; DA SILVA, RICARDO BARRETO; VLACH, SILVIO ROBERTO FARIAS; ANDO, ROMULO AUGUSTO. Electrical Resistance Evolution of Graphite and Talc Geological Heterostructures under Progressive Metamorphism. C-Journal Of Carbon Research, v. 9, p. 75, 2023. (

11. RANI-BORGES, BÁRBARA; QUEIROZ, LUCAS GONÇALVES; FERREIRA, KAREN DE SOUZA; GOMES MARTINS, THAÍS FABIANE; VICENTE, EDUARDO; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; POMPÊO, MARCELO. Effects of ABS microplastics on microalgae Chlorella vulgaris and Raphidocelis subcapitata. International Journal of Limnology, v. 59, p. 5, 2023. (

12. CHAUQUE, SUSANA; SOUZA, BRENO L.; SINTAKU, HELOISE M.; Ando, Rômulo A.; Torresi, Roberto M. Unveiling the Polysulfide-PPY Interaction for Enhanced Lithium-Sulfur Battery Performance. ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, v. 475, p. 143539, 2023. (

13. DA SILVA, MARCOS A. R.; TARAKINA, NADEZDA V.; FILHO, JOSÉ B. G.; CUNHA, CARLA S.; ROCHA, GUILHERME F. S. R.; DIAB, GABRIEL A. A.; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; SAVATEEV, OLEKSANDR; AGIRREZABAL’TELLERIA, IKER; SILVA, INGRID F.; STOLFI, SARA; GHIGNA, PAOLO; FAGNONI, MAURIZIO; RAVELLI, DAVIDE; TORELLI, PIERO; BRAGLIA, LUCA; TEIXEIRA, IVO F. Single-Atoms on Crystalline Carbon Nitrides for Selective C¿H Photooxidation: A Bridge to Achieve Homogeneous Pathways in Heterogeneous Materials. ADVANCED MATERIALS, v. 35, p. 2304152, 2023. (

14. DE ARAÚJO, ADALBERTO V. SANCHES; RANGEL, CLARA J.; Ando, Rômulo A. Multiconfigurational Calculations and Experimental Resonant Raman/SERRS of a Donor-Acceptor Thiadiazole Dye. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, v. 127, p. 10789-10796, 2023. (

15. LOPES, DOUGLAS S.; MIRANDA, ESTER V.; ANDO, RÔMULO A.; Corio, Paola. SERS-based detection of an organochlorine pesticide through surface plasmon-induced C-C coupling. Environmental Science-Nano, v. 10, p. 1920-1931, 2023. (


1. BERNARDINO, KALIL; RIBEIRO, MAURO C.C. Pressure and shear rate effects on viscosity and structure of imidazolium-based ionic liquids. FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA, v. 554, p. 113345, 2022. (

2. BATISHCHEVA, ELIZAVETA V.; SOKOLOVA, DARYA N.; FEDOTOVA, VERONIKA S.; SOKOLOVA, MARIA P.; NIKOLAEVA, ALEXANDRA L.; VAKULYUK, ALEXEY Y.; SHAKHBAZOVA, CHRISTINA Y.; RIBEIRO, MAURO CARLOS COSTA; KARTTUNEN, MIKKO; SMIRNOV, MICHAEL A. Strengthening Cellulose Nanopaper via Deep Eutectic Solvent and Ultrasound-Induced Surface Disordering of Nanofibers. Polymers, v. 14, p. 78, 2022. (


4. BERNARDINO, KALIL; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C. Role of density and electrostatic interactions in the viscosity and non-newtonian behavior of ionic liquids – a molecular dynamics study. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 24, p. 6866-6879, 2022. (

5. BERNARDINO, KALIL; RIBEIRO, MAURO C.C. Hydrogen-bonding and symmetry breaking in the protic ionic liquid 1-ethylimidazolium nitrate. VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY, v. 120, p. 103358, 2022. (

6. DE SOUZA, RAFAEL MAGLIA; ROMEU, FÁBIO CAVALCANTE; RIBEIRO, MAURO CARLOS COSTA; KARTTUNEN, MIKKO; DIAS, LUÍS GUSTAVO. Osmotic Method for Calculating Surface Pressure of Monolayers in Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, v. 18, p. 2042-2046, 2022. (

7. REIS, GABRIELA S. A.; DE SOUZA, RAFAEL M.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C. Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Far-Infrared Spectrum of a Deep Eutectic Solvent. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, v. 126, p. 5695-5705, 2022. (

8. DA SILVA, ARUÃ CLAYTON; PASCHOAL, VITOR HUGO; RIBEIRO, MAURO CARLOS COSTA; DE TORRESI, SUSANA INÉS CÓRDOBA. Electrical/Spectroscopic Stability of Conducting and Biodegradable Graft-Copolymer. MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, v. 223, p. 2200275, 2022. (

9. FEDOTOVA, VERONIKA S.; SOKOLOVA, MARIA P.; VOROBIOV, VITALIY K.; SIVTSOV, EUGENE V.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C.; SMIRNOV, MICHAEL A. Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of Acrylate Anion Based Ionic Liquids. Polymers, v. 14, p. 5148, 2022. (

10. SALVADORI, MARCIA REGINA; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; CORRÊA, BENEDITO. Bio-separator and bio-synthesizer of metallic nanoparticles – A new vision in bioremediation. MATERIALS LETTERS, v. 306, p. 130878, 2022. (


12. LOPES, DOUGLAS S.; VONO, LUCAS L. R.; MIRANDA, ESTER V.; Ando, Rômulo A.; Corio, Paola. Inhibition of -Nitrothiophenol Catalytic Hydrogenation on Ag-Containing AgAu/Pd/TiO Plasmonic Catalysts Probed in-situ by SERS. ChemCatChem, v. 14, p. e202101943, 2022. (

13. GOMES, PAULO V.R.; AZEREDO, NATHALIA F.B.; GARCIA, LUIS M.S.; ZAMBIAZI, PRISCILLA J.; MORSELLI, GIOVANNI R.; Ando, Rômulo A.; OTUBO, LARISSA; LAZAR, DOLORES R.R.; DE SOUZA, RODRIGO F.B.; RODRIGUES, DEBORA F.; NETO, ALMIR O. Layered graphene/hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets (Gr/h-BNNs) applied to the CO2 photoconversion into methanol. Applied Materials Today, v. 29, p. 101605, 2022. (

14. FURTADO, LAÍSE MOURA; FUENTES, DAIRON PÉREZ; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; OLIVEIRA, PEDRO VITORIANO; SIQUEIRA PETRI, DENISE FREITAS. Carboxymethyl cellulose/sugarcane bagasse/polydopamine adsorbents for efficient removal of Pb2+ ions from synthetic and undergraduate laboratory wastes. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, v. 380, p. 134969, 2022. (

15. NOBRE, AUGUSTO GONÇALVES; SALAZAR-NARANJO, ANDRÉS FABIÁN; ANDRADE, FABIO RAMOS DIAS DE; VLACH, SILVIO ROBERTO FARIAS; Ando, Rômulo Augusto. Simulation of geological graphene genesis by the piston-cylinder apparatus. Materia-Rio de Janeiro, v. 27, p. e20220122, 2022. (

16. DOS SANTOS LOPES, DOUGLAS; DOS SANTOS ABREU, DIERIC; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; Corio, Paola. Regioselective Plasmon-Driven Decarboxylation of Mercaptobenzoic Acids Triggered by Distinct Reactive Oxygen Species. ACS Catalysis, v. 12, p. 14619-14628, 2022. (

17. SANCHES DE ARAÚJO, ADALBERTO V.; MARQUES, LEANDRO R.; BORIN, ANTONIO C.; Ando, Rômulo A. Simulation of charge-transfer, UV-VIS and resonance Raman spectra of push-pull systems: a TDDFT and CASPT2 comparison. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 24, p. 28522-28529, 2022. (

18. MARQUES, LEANDRO RAMOS; Ando, Rômulo Augusto. Infrared Spectroscopy Evidence of Weak Interactions in Frustrated Lewis Pairs formed by Tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane. CHEMPHYSCHEM, v. 24, p. e2022007, 2022. (

19. QUEIROZ, LUCAS GONÇALVES; RANI-BORGES, BÁRBARA; PRADO, CAIO CÉSAR ACHILES; MORAES, BEATRIZ ROCHA DE; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; PAIVA, TERESA CRISTINA BRAZIL DE; POMPÊO, MARCELO. Realistic environmental exposure to secondary PET microplastics induces biochemical responses in freshwater amphipod Hyalella azteca. CHEMISTRY AND ECOLOGY, v. 39, p. 288-301, 2022. (

20. LOPES, DOUGLAS S.; VONO, LUCAS L. R.; MIRANDA, ESTER V.; ANDO, RÔMULO A.; Corio, Paola. Inhibition of -Nitrothiophenol Catalytic Hydrogenation on Ag-Containing AgAu/Pd/TiO Plasmonic Catalysts Probed in-situ by SERS. ChemCatChem, v. 1, p. 1, 2022. (

21. DOS SANTOS LOPES, DOUGLAS; DOS SANTOS ABREU, DIERIC; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; Corio, Paola. Regioselective Plasmon-Driven Decarboxylation of Mercaptobenzoic Acids Triggered by Distinct Reactive Oxygen Species. ACS Catalysis, v. 12, p. 14619-14628, 2022. (


1. DE SOUZA, ÍCARO F.T.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C.C. A Raman spectroscopy and rheology study of the phase transitions of the ionic liquid choline acetate. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 322, p. 114530, 2021. (

2. BERNARDINO, KALIL; RIBEIRO, MAURO. Relating structure and dynamics of ionic liquids under shear by means of reverse non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 23, p. 13984-13995, 2021. (

3. DE SOUZA, ÍCARO F.T.; PASCHOAL, VITOR H.; BERNARDINO, KALIL; LIMA, THAMIRES A.; DAEMEN, LUKE L.; Z, Y.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C.C. Vibrational spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulation of choline oxyanions salts. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 340, p. 117100, 2021. (

4. PASCHOAL, VITOR H.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C.C. Structure and dynamics of aromatic and alkyl substituted Imidazolium-based ionic liquids. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 340, p. 117285, 2021. (

5. MAGLIA DE SOUZA, RAFAEL; KARTTUNEN, MIKKO; RIBEIRO, MAURO CARLOS COSTA. Fine-Tuning the Polarizable CL&Pol Force Field for the Deep Eutectic Solvent Ethaline. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, v. 61, p. 5938-5947, 2021. (

6. MARQUES, LEANDRO; Ando, Rômulo Augusto. Probing the Charge Transfer in a Frustrated Lewis Pair by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy and DFT Calculations. CHEMPHYSCHEM, v. 22, p. 522-525, 2021. (

7. AMATO-LOURENÇO, LUÍS FERNANDO; CARVALHO-OLIVEIRA, REGIANI; JÚNIOR, GABRIEL RIBEIRO; DOS SANTOS GALVÃO, LUCIANA; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; MAUAD, THAIS. Presence of airborne microplastics in human lung tissue. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, v. 416, p. 126124, 2021. (

8. MARIN, JAYR H.; TEMPERINI, MARCIA L.A.; Ando, Rômulo A. SERS and resonance Raman of 5-nitroisatin on silver – The distinction between the coordination and surface complexes. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, v. 263, p. 120163, 2021. (

9. DEZOTTI, RAFAEL S.; FURTADO, LAÍSE M.; YEE, MÁRCIO; VALERA, TICIANE S.; BALAJI, KRISHNASAMY; Ando, Rômulo A.; PETRI, DENISE F. S. Tuning the Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Cryogels with the Aid of Surfactants. GELS, v. 7, p. 118, 2021. (

10. MORSELLI, GIOVANNI R.; Ando, Rômulo A. SO2 capture by tricyanomethanide ionic liquids: Unraveling anion-gas interactions by resonance Raman spectroscopy. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, v. 784, p. 139106, 2021. (

11. Cordeiro, Denise S.; CASSIO, FERNANDO L.; CICCOTTI, LARISSA; HEWER, THIAGO L. R.; Corio, Paola; FREIRE, RENATO S. Photocatalytic activity of Pr-modified TiO2 for the degradation of bisphenol A. SN Applied Sciences, v. 3, p. 1, 2021. (

12. MAGALHÃES, FILIPE B.; JAIMES, RUTH F. V. V.; CÓRIO, PAOLA; SALCEDO, WALTER J. SERS fluctuations of NAD molecules adsorbed on arrays of Au nanocylinders. Optical Materials Express, v. 11, p. 3154, 2021. (


1. BERNARDINO, KALIL; GOLOVIZNINA, KATERYNA; GOMES, MARGARIDA COSTA; PÁDUA, AGÍLIO A. H.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C. Ion pair free energy surface as a probe of ionic liquid structure. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 152, p. 014103, 2020. (

2. PASCHOAL, VITOR H.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C. Pseudo-Optical Modes in Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, v. 124, p. 2661-2667, 2020. (

3. LIMA, THAMIRES A.; PASCHOAL, VITOR H.; FREITAS, RAFAEL S.; FARIA, LUIZ F. O.; LI, ZHIXIA; TYAGI, MADHUSUDAN; Z, Y; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C. An inelastic neutron scattering, Raman, far-infrared, and molecular dynamics study of the intermolecular dynamics of two ionic liquids. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 22, p. 9074-9085, 2020. (

4. RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C. Strong anion-anion hydrogen bond in the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium hydrogen sulfate. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 310, p. 113178, 2020. (

5. BERNARDINO, KALIL; ZHANG, YONG; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C.; MAGINN, EDWARD J. Effect of alkyl-group flexibility on the melting point of imidazolium-based ionic liquids. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 153, p. 044504, 2020. (

6. FURTADO, LAÍSE MOURA; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; PETRI, DENISE FREITAS SIQUEIRA. Polydopamine-coated cellulose acetate butyrate microbeads for caffeine removal. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 55, p. 3243-3258, 2020. (

7. CALHEIROS, TALITA F.; FURTADO, LAÍSE MOURA; CARMONA-RIBEIRO, ANA MARIA; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; PETRI, DENISE FREITAS SIQUEIRA. Physicochemical and antifungal properties of waterborne polymer nanoparticles synthesized with caffeine. COLLOID AND POLYMER SCIENCE, v. 298, p. 341-353, 2020. (

8. LEPRE, LUIZ FERNANDO; GOMES, MARGARIDA COSTA; Ando, Rômulo Augusto. Probing the reorganization of ionic liquids’ structure induced by CO2 sorption. CHEMPHYSCHEM, v. 21, p. 1230-1234, 2020. (

9. SANTOS, JONNATAN J.; TOMA, SERGIO H.; ANDO, ROMULO A.; Corio, Paola; ARAKI, KOITI. Unveiling Anomalous Surface-Enhanced Resonance Raman Scattering on an Oxo-Triruthenium Acetate Cluster Complex by a Theoretical-Experimental Approach. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 124, p. 21674-21683, 2020. (

10. SCOLA RODRIGUES, BÁRBARA; BRANCO, CAROLYNE MARTINS; Corio, Paola; SOUZA, JULIANA S. Controlling bismuth vanadate morphology and crystalline structure through optimization of microwave-assisted synthesis conditions. CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, v. 20, p. 3673-3685, 2020. (

11. ROVANI, SUZIMARA; SANTOS, JONNATAN J.; GUILHEN, SABINE N.; Corio, Paola; FUNGARO, DENISE A. Fast, efficient and clean adsorption of bisphenol-A using renewable mesoporous silica nanoparticles from sugarcane waste ash. RSC Advances, v. 10, p. 27706-27712, 2020. (

12. SANTOS, JONNATAN J.; TOMA, SERGIO HIROSHI; ANDO, ROMULO AUGUSTO; Corio, Paola; ARAKI, KOITI. Unveiling Anomalous Surface-Enhanced Resonance Raman Scattering on an Oxo−Triruthenium Acetate Cluster Complex by Theoretical-Experimental Approach. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 32, p. acs.jpcc.0c05560, 2020. (

13. PAULUCCI, LEONARDO H.; DE ALMEIDA, TAMIRIS; FARIAS, ELIEL E.; Corio, Paola; SILVA, LADÁRIO DA; de Souza, Michele L. Investigation of zirconium oxide growth in nuclear fuel element claddings by micro-Raman, ellipsometry, and Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY, v. 111, p. 103134, 2020. (


1. LIMA, THAMIRES A.; FARIA, LUIZ F.O.; PASCHOAL, VITOR H.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C.C. Exploring the phase diagram of the ionic liquid 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesufonyl)imide. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, v. 1183, p. 149-156, 2019. (
2. PENNA, TATIANA C.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C.C. Vibrational frequency shift of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ionic liquids under high pressure. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 278, p. 213-218, 2019. (

3. FARIA, LUIZ F. O.; NOBREGA, MARCELO M.; FALSINI, NAOMI; FANETTI, SAMUELE; TEMPERINI, MARCIA L. A.; BINI, ROBERTO; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C. Structure and Reactivity of the Ionic Liquid 1-Allyl-3-methylimidazolium Iodide under High Pressure. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, v. 123, p. 1822-1830, 2019. (

4. LIMA, THAMIRES A.; LI, ZHIXIA; TYAGI, MADHUSUDAN; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C.; Z, Y. Spatial and thermal signatures of α and β relaxations in glassy and glacial aliphatic ionic liquids. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 150, p. 144506, 2019.(

5. LIMA, THAMIRES A.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C. Low-frequency Raman spectra of a glass-forming ionic liquid at low temperature and high pressure. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 150, p. 164502, 2019. (

6. LEPRE, LUIZ F.; COSTA GOMES, MARGARIDA; PÁDUA, AGÍLIO A. H.; ANDO, RÔMULO A.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C. On the Regular Behavior of a Binary Mixture of Ionic Liquids. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, v. 123, p. 6579-6587, 2019. (


8. ABSHER, THERESINHA MONTEIRO; FERREIRA, SILVIO LUIZ; KERN, YARGOS; FERREIRA, AUGUSTO LUIZ; CHRISTO, SUSETE WAMBIER; Ando, Rômulo Augusto. Incidence and identification of microfibers in ocean waters in Admiralty Bay, Antarctica. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 26, p. 292-298, 2019. (

9. SANTOS, JONNATAN J.; TOMA, SERGIO H.; MONEZI, NATALIA M.; ANDO, ROMULO A.; Corio, Paola; ARAKI, KOITI. Selecting the Mechanism of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Effect using Shell Isolated Nanoparticles and an Oxo-Triruthenium Acetate Cluster Complex. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, v. 58, p. 10399-10407, 2019. (

10. LEPRE, LUIZ F.; COSTA GOMES, MARGARIDA; PÁDUA, AGÍLIO A. H.; Ando, Rômulo A.; Ribeiro, Mauro C. C. On the Regular Behavior of a Binary Mixture of Ionic Liquids. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, v. 123, p. 6579-6587, 2019. (

11. AMEKU, WILSON A.; DE ARAUJO, WILLIAM R.; RANGEL, CLARA J.; Ando, Rômulo A.; PAIXÃO, THIAGO R. L. C. Gold Nanoparticle Paper-Based Dual-Detection Device for Forensics Applications. Acs Applied Nano Materials, v. 2, p. 5460-5468, 2019. (


13. SANTOS, PATRÍCIA B.; SANTOS, JONNATAN J.; CORRÊA, CHARLANE C.; Corio, Paola; ANDRADE, GUSTAVO F.S. Plasmonic photodegradation of textile dye Reactive Black 5 under visible light: a vibrational and electronic study. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY, v. 371, p. 159-165, 2019. (

14. SOUZA, JULIANA S.; HIRATA, FERNANDO T. H.; Corio, Paola. Microwave-assisted synthesis of bismuth vanadate nanoflowers decorated with gold nanoparticles with enhanced photocatalytic activity. JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH, v. 21, p. 21, 2019. (

15. SILVEIRA, RAISA L.; MAMIÁN-LÓPEZ, MÓNICA B.; RUBIM, JOEL C.; TEMPERINI, MARCIA L. A.; Corio, Paola; SANTOS, JONNATAN J. Spectroscopic and electrophoresis study of substitution on the surface of gold nanoparticles by different mercaptoalkyl carboxylic acids and bioconjugation with bovine serum albumin. ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 1, p. 1, 2019. (

16. ROVANI, SUZIMARA; SANTOS, JONNATAN; Corio, Paola; FUNGARO, DENISE. An Alternative and Simple Method for the Preparation of Bare Silica Nanoparticles Using Sugarcane Waste Ash, an Abundant and Despised Residue in the Brazilian Industry. JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v. 1, p. 1, 2019. (

17. Corio, Paola; SILVA, KARINA C.; SOARES, NATALIA A.; Inoue, Fabiana; SANTOS, JONNATAN J. Probing the Chemical Interaction between Different Carbon Allotropes Oxides and Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles by Raman Spectroscopy. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, v. 723, p. 96, 2019. (

18. SANTOS, JONNATAN J.; TOMA, SERGIO H.; MONEZI, NATALIA M.; ANDO, ROMULO A.; Corio, Paola; ARAKI, KOITI. Selecting the Mechanism of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Effect using Shell Isolated Nanoparticles and an Oxo-Triruthenium Acetate Cluster Complex. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, v. 58, p. 10399, 2019. (



1. VELDHORST, ARNO A.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C. Mechanical heterogeneity in ionic liquids. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 148, p. 193803, 2018. (

2. FARIA, LUIZ F. O.; LIMA, THAMIRES A.; FERREIRA, FABIO F.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C. Ultraslow Phase Transitions in an Anion-Anion Hydrogen-Bonded Ionic Liquid. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, v. 122, p. 1972-1980, 2018. (

3. WILSON, MARK; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C.; WILDING, MARTIN C.; BENMORE, CHRIS; WEBER, J. K. R.; ALDERMAN, OLIVER; TAMALONIS, ANTHONY; PARISE, J. B. Structure and Liquid Fragility in Sodium Carbonate. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, v. 122, p. 1071-1076, 2018. (

4. LIMA, THAMIRES A.; FARIA, LUIZ F. O.; PASCHOAL, VITOR H.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C. Communication: Glass transition and melting lines of an ionic liquid. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 148, p. 171101, 2018. (

5. PENNA, TATIANA C.; PASCHOAL, VITOR H.; FARIA, LUIZ F.O.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C.C. Estimating density of ionic liquids under very high pressure. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 265, p. 510-516, 2018. (

6. LEPRE, L.F.; PISON, L.; SIQUEIRA, L.J.A.; ANDO, R.A.; COSTA GOMES, M.F. Improvement of carbon dioxide absorption by mixing poly(ethylene glycol) dimethyl ether with ammonium-based ionic liquids. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, v. 196, p. 10-19, 2018. (

7. BÄR, JACIARA; MONEZI, NATÁLIA M.; Ando, Rômulo A. The solvation inhomogeneity of sulfur dioxide in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium thiocyanate ionic liquid probed by Raman spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, v. 49, p. 230-237, 2018. (

8. GEONMONOND, RAFAEL DOS SANTOS; QUIROZ, JHON; ROCHA, GUILHERME DE FREITAS SILVA RODRIGUES; OROPEZA, FREDDY E; RANGEL, CLARA DE JESUS; RODRIGUES, THENNER SILVA; HOFMANN, JAN PHILIPP PHILIPP; HENSEN, EMIEL J.M.; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; CAMARGO, PEDRO. Marrying SPR Excitation and Metal-Support Interactions: Unraveling the Contribution of Active Surface Species in Plasmonic Catalysis. Nanoscale, v. 18, p. 8560-8568, 2018. (

9. CARDOSO, PIERCARLO FORTUNATO; FERNANDEZ, JUAN S. L. C.; LEPRE, LUIZ FERNANDO; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; COSTA GOMES, MARGARIDA F.; Siqueira, Leonardo J. A. Molecular dynamics simulations of polyethers and a quaternary ammonium ionic liquid as CO 2 absorbers. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 148, p. 134908, 2018. (

10. MIRANDA DE CARVALHO, JOSE; NORRBO, ISABELLA; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; BRITO, HERMI FELINTO; FANTINI, MARCIA CARVALHO; LASTUSAARI, MIKA. Fast, low-cost preparation of hackmanite minerals with reversible photochromic behavior using a microwave-assisted structure-conversion method. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, v. 54, p. 7326-7329, 2018. (

11. GEONMONOND, RAFAEL S.; DA’SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; DE’FREITAS, ISABEL C.; Ando, Rômulo A.; ALVES, TIAGO V.; Camargo, Pedro H. C. Addressing the Effects of Size-dependent Absorption, Scattering, and Near-field Enhancements in Plasmonic Catalysis. ChemCatChem, v. 10, p. 3447-3452, 2018. (

12. MONEZI, NATÁLIA M.; Ando, Rômulo A. Resonance Raman and UV-vis characterization of charge transfer complexes of TCNQ and aromatic amines. VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY, v. 99, p. 67-72, 2018. (

13. WANG, JIALE; BARBOSA, EDUARDO C.M.; FANG, ZEBO; PARUSSULO, ANDRÉ L.A.; DOS REIS, FLAVIA V.E.; Ando, Rômulo A.; ARAKI, KOITI; TOMA, HENRIQUE E.; Camargo, Pedro H.C. On the effect of TiO 2 nanocrystallites over the plasmonic photodegradation by Au nanoparticles. JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, v. 49, p. 1953-1960, 2018. (

14. ROVANI, SUZIMARA; SANTOS, JONNATAN J.; Corio, Paola; FUNGARO, DENISE A. Highly Pure Silica Nanoparticles with High Adsorption Capacity Obtained from Sugarcane Waste Ash. ACS Omega, v. 3, p. 2618-2627, 2018. (

15. SOUZA, M. L.; SANTOS, D. P.; CORIO, P. Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Enhanced Photocatalysis: An Experimental and Theoretical Mechanistic Investigation. RSC Advances, v. 8, p. 28753, 2018. (

16. SANTOS, JONNATAN J.; LEAL, JESSICA; DIAS, LUIS A. P.; TOMA, SERGIO HIROSHI; Corio, Paola; GENEZINI, FREDERICO A.; KATTI, KATTESH V; ARAKI, KOITI; LUGAO, ADEMAR B. Bovine Serum Albumin Conjugated Gold-198 Nanoparticles as Model to Evaluate the Damage Caused by Ionizing Radiation to Biomolecules. ACS Applied Nano Materials, v. 8, p. acsanm.8b01174, 2018. (



2. PASCHOAL, VITOR H.; FARIA, LUIZ F. O.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C. Vibrational Spectroscopy of Ionic Liquids. CHEMICAL REVIEWS, v. 117, p. 7053-7112, 2017. (

3. WILDING, MARTIN C.; WILSON, MARK; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C.; BENMORE, CHRIS J.; WEBER, J. K. R.; ALDERMAN, O. L. G.; TAMALONIS, ANTHONY; PARISE, J. B. The structure of liquid alkali nitrates and nitrites. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 19, p. 21625-21638, 2017. (

4. FARIA, LUIZ F. O.; LIMA, THAMIRES A.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C. Phase transitions of the ionic liquid [C2C1im][NTf2] under high pressure: a synchrotron X-ray diffraction and Raman microscopy study. CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, v. 17, p. 5384-5392, 2017. (

5. FARIA, LUIZ F. O.; PASCHOAL, VITOR H.; LIMA, THAMIRES A.; FERREIRA, FABIO F.; FREITAS, RAFAEL S.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C. Local Order-Disorder Transition Driving by Structural Heterogeneity in a Benzyl Functionalized Ionic Liquid. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, v. 121, p. 9902-9909, 2017. (

6. MONEZI, NATÁLIA; ANDO, RÔMULO. Spectroscopic Characterization of Charge Transfer Complexes of TCNE with Aromatic Amines – The First Step of Tricyanovinylation Reaction. JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v. 28, p. 1665-1672, 2017. (

7. MONEZI, NATÁLIA M.; Ando, Rômulo A. Resonance Raman and UV-VIS spectroscopic investigation of the reaction of tetracyanoethylene and N-methyldiphenylamine. JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, v. 48, p. 758-764, 2017. (

8. PAPA, LETIZIA; DE FREITAS, ISABEL; GEONMONOND, RAFAEL DOS SANTOS; AQUINO, CAROLINE; PIERETTI, JOANA; DOMINGUES, SERGIO; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; CAMARGO, PEDRO. Supports matter: unraveling the role of charge transfer in the plasmonic catalytic activity of silver nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, p. 11720-11729, 2017. (

9. WANG, JIALE; DE FREITAS, ISABEL; ALVES, TIAGO; ANDO, ROMULO A.; FANG, ZEBO; CAMARGO, PEDRO. On the Effect of Native SiO2 on Si over the SPR-mediated Photocatalytic Activities of Au and Ag Nanoparticles. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, p. 7185-7190, 2017. (

10. LEPRE, LUIZ FERNANDO; SZALA-BILNIK, JOANNA; PISON, LAURE; TRAIKIA, MOUNIR; PADUA, AGILIO A.H.; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; COSTA GOMES, MARGARIDA COSTA. Can the tricyanomethanide anion improve CO2 absorption by acetate-based ionic liquids? PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 19, p. 12431-12440, 2017. (

11. MENEZES DA SILVA, VITOR H.; MONEZI, NATÁLIA M.; Ando, Rômulo A.; BRAGA, ATAUALPA A.C. New insights into the electrophilic aromatic substitution mechanism of tricyanovinylation reaction involving tetracyanoethylene and N,N- dimethylaniline: An interpretation based on density functional theory calculations. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, v. 1142, p. 58-65, 2017. (

12. ABREU, FELIPE DIÓGENES; PAULO, TERCIO DE F.; GEHLEN, MARCELO H.; Ando, Rômulo A.; LOPES, LUIZ G. F.; GONDIM, ANA CLÁUDIA S.; VASCONCELOS, MAYRON A.; TEIXEIRA, EDSON H.; SOUSA, EDUARDO HENRIQUE SILVA; DE CARVALHO, IDALINA MARIA MOREIRA. Aryl-Substituted Ruthenium(II) Complexes: A Strategy for Enhanced Photocleavage and Efficient DNA Binding. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, v. 56, p. 9084-9096, 2017. (

13. SALVADORI, MARCIA R.; Ando, Rômulo A.; NASCIMENTO, CLÁUDIO A. OLLER; CORRÊA, BENEDITO. Dead biomass of Amazon yeast: A new insight into bioremediation and recovery of silver by intracellular synthesis of nanoparticles. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, v. 52, p. 1112-1120, 2017. (

14. Ando, Rômulo A.; BROWN-XU, SAMANTHA E.; NGUYEN, LISA N. Q.; GUSTAFSON, TERRY L. Probing the solvation structure and dynamics in ionic liquids by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy of 4-(dimethylamino)benzonitrile. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, v. 19, p. 25151-25157, 2017. (

15. SANTOS, JONNATAN J.; TOMA, SERGIO H.; Corio, Paola; ARAKI, KOITI. Key role of surface concentration on reproducibility and optimization of SERS sensitivity. JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, v. 48, p. 1190-1195, 2017. (

16. GARCIA, MARCO A.S.; IBRAHIM, MAHMOUD; Costa, Jean C.S.; Corio, Paola; GUSEVSKAYA, ELENA V.; DOS SANTOS, EDUARDO N.; PHILIPPOT, KARINE; Rossi, Liane M. Study of the influence of PPh 3 used as capping ligand or as reaction modifier for hydroformylation reaction involving Rh NPs as precatalyst. APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, v. 1, p. 1, 2017. (


1. Thamires A. Lima, Vitor H. Paschoal, Luiz F. O. Faria, Mauro C. C. Ribeiro, Fabio F. Ferreira, Fanny N. Costa, Carlos Giles; Comparing two tetraalkylammonium ionic liquids. II. Phase transitions. J. Chem. Phys. 14 June 2016; 144 (22): 224505. (

2. Kamal B. Dhungana, Luiz F. O. Faria, Boning Wu, Min Liang, Mauro C. C. Ribeiro, Claudio J. Margulis, Edward W. Castner; Structure of cyano-anion ionic liquids: X-ray scattering and simulations. J. Chem. Phys. 14 July 2016; 145 (2): 024503. (

3. FARIA, LUIZ FELIPE DE OLIVEIRA; NOBREGA, MARCELO MEDRE; TEMPERINI, MARCIA LAUDELINA ARRUDA; BINI, ROBERTO; RIBEIRO, MAURO CARLOS COSTA. Triggering the Chemical Instability of an Ionic Liquid Under High Pressure. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B (1997: Online), v. 120, p. acs.jpcb.6b06246, 2016. (

4. VELDHORST, ARNO A.; FARIA, LUIZ F.O.; RIBEIRO, MAURO C.C. . Local solvent properties of imidazolium-based ionic liquids. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 223, p. 283-288, 2016. (

5. KIEFER, JOHANNES; NOACK, KRISTINA ; PENNA, TATIANA C. ; RIBEIRO, MAURO C.C. ; WEBER, HENRY ; KIRCHNER, BARBARA . Vibrational signatures of anionic cyano groups in imidazolium ionic liquids. VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY, v. 91, p. 141-146, 2016. (

6. LIMA, THAMIRES A.; PASCHOAL, VITOR H. ; FARIA, LUIZ F. O. ; RIBEIRO, MAURO C. C. ; GILES, CARLOS . Comparing two tetraalkylammonium ionic liquids. I. Liquid phase structure. The Journal of Chemical Physics, v. 144, p. 224504, 2016. (


8. DA’SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; CORREIA, VALQUÍRIO G.; ALVES, TIAGO V.; ALVES, RAFAEL S.; Ando, Rômulo A.; ORNELLAS, FERNANDO R.; WANG, JIALE; ANDRADE, LEANDRO H.; Camargo, Pedro H. C. Plasmonic Nanorattles as Next-Generation Catalysts for Surface Plasmon Resonance-Mediated Oxidations Promoted by Activated Oxygen. Angewandte Chemie (International ed. Print), v. 55, p. 7111-7115, 2016. (

9. SALVADORI, MARCIA REGINA; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; MURACA, DIEGO; KNOBEL, MARCELO; OLLER NASCIMENTO, CLÁUDIO AUGUSTO; CORRÊA, BENEDITO. Magnetic nanoparticles of Ni/NiO nanostructured in film form synthesized by dead organic matrix of yeast. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences, v. 6, p. 60683-60692, 2016. (

10. LEPRE, LUIZ F.; SZALA-BILNIK, JOANNA; PADUA, AGILIO A.H.; TRAIKIA, MOUNIR; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; GOMES, MARGARIDA COSTA. Tailoring the properties of acetate-based ionic liquids using the tricyanomethanide anion. PCCP. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Print), v. 18, p. 23285-23295, 2016. (
11. MONEZI, NATÁLIA M.; BORIN, ANTONIO C.; Santos, Paulo S.; Ando, Rômulo A. The thermochromic behavior of aromatic amine-SO2 charge transfer complexes. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, v. 173, p. 462-467, 2016. (

12. HOHER, KARINA; CARDOSO, PIERCARLO FORTUNATO; LEPRE, LUIZ FERNANDO; Ando, Rômulo Augusto; SIQUEIRA, LEONARDO JOSÉ AMARAL. Molecular dynamics and spectroscopic study of sulfur dioxide absorption by an ionic liquid and its mixtures with PEO. PCCP. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Print), v. 18, p. 28901-28910, 2016. (

13. IVANOV, EVANDRO; Ando, Rômulo A.; Corio, Paola. Solid-liquid-liquid extraction as an approach to the sensitive detection of a hydrophobic pollutant through surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Vibrational Spectroscopy (Print), v. 87, p. 116-122, 2016. (

14. KOGIKOSKI JR, SERGIO; LIBERATO, MICHELLE DA SILVA; FACTORI, IRINA MARINHO; DA SILVA, EMERSON RODRIGO; DE OLIVEIRA, CRISTIANO LUIS PINTO; ANDO, ROMULO A.; Alves, Wendel Andrade. Polycaprolactone-Polyaniline Blend: Effects of the Addition of Cysteine on the Structural and Molecular Properties. Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, v. 121, p. 863-877, 2016. (

15. GARCIA, MARCO A. S.; HEYDER, R. S.; OLIVEIRA, K. C. B.; COSTA, J. C. S.; CORIO, P.; BAZITO, R. C.; ROSSI, L. M. Support Functionalization with a Phosphine-Containing Hyperbranched Polymer: A Strategy to Enhance Phosphine Grafting and Metal Loading in a Hydroformylation Catalyst. ChemCatChem, v. 8, p. 1-11, 2016. (

16. SANTOS, JONNATAN J.; IVANOV, EVANDRO; DOS SANTOS, DIEGO P.; TOMA, HENRIQUE E.; Corio, Paola. Detection of Plasmon Coupling between Silver Nanowires Based on Hyperspectral Darkfield and SERS Imaging and Supported by DDA Theoretical Calculations. ChemPhysChem (Print), v. 17, p. 463-467, 2016. (

17. BALLOTTIN, DANIELA; FULAZ, STEPHANIE; SOUZA, MICHELE L.; Corio, Paola; RODRIGUES, ALEXANDRE G.; SOUZA, ANA O.; GASPARI, PRISCYLA M.; GOMES, ALEXANDRE F.; GOZZO, FÁBIO; TASIC, LJUBICA. Elucidating Protein Involvement in the Stabilization of the Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles. Nanoscale Research Letters (Print), v. 11, p. 313, 2016. (

18. SILVA, KARINA C.; Corio, Paola; SANTOS, JONNATAN J. Characterization of the chemical interaction between single-walled carbon nanotubes and titanium dioxide nanoparticles by thermogravimetric analyses and resonance Raman spectroscopy. Vibrational Spectroscopy (Print), v. 86, p. 103-108, 2016.(

19. IVANOV, EVANDRO; ANDO, RÔMULO A.; Corio, Paola. Solid-liquid-liquid extraction as an approach to the sensitive detection of a hydrophobic pollutant through surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Vibrational Spectroscopy (Print), v. 87, p. 116-122, 2016. (



1. D. C. Rodrigues, M. L. de Souza, K. S. Souza, D. P. dos Santos, G. F. S. Andrade, M. L. A. Temperini, Critical assessment of enhancement factor measurements in surface-enhanced Raman scattering on different substrates, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2015) (doi:10.1039/C4CP05080K)

2. C. I. Vazquez, G. F. S. Andrade, M. L. A. Temperini, G. I. Lacconi. “Spectroelectrochemical study of picolinic acid adsorption during silver electrodeposition” Electrochim. Acta, 156, 154 – 162 (2015).

3 M. M. Nobrega, C. M. S. Izumi, M. L. A. Temperini. “Probing molecular ordering in the HCl-doped polyaniline with bulk and nanofiber morphology by their thermal behavior,” Polym. Degrad. Stab. 113, 66–71 (2015).

4. R. Janissen, D. M. Murillo, B. Niza, P. K. Sahoo, M. M. Nobrega, C. L. Cesar, M. L. A. Temperini, H. F. Carvalho, A. A. de Souza, M. A. Cotta, “Spatiotemporal distribution of different extracellular polymeric substances and filamentation mediate Xylella fastidiosa adhesion and biofilm formation,” Sci. Rep., 5, 9856-9866 (2015).



1. L. J. A. Siqueira, V. R. L. Constantino, F. F. Camilo, R. M. Torresi, M. L. A. Temperini, M. C. C. Ribeiro, C. M. S. Izumi “Probing the local environment of hybrid materials designed from ionic liquids and synthetic clay by Raman spectroscopy” Spec. Acta Part A: Mol. and Biomol. Spectrosc. 122, 469-475 (2014)

2. A. O. Cavalcante, M. C. C. Ribeiro, M. S. Skaf “Polarizability effects on the structure and dynamics of ionic liquids” J. Chem. Phys. 140, 144108 (2014).

3. M. C. C. Ribeiro, A. A. H. Pádua, M. F. C. Gomes “Equations of states for an ionic liquid under high pressure: A molecular dynamics simulation study” J. Chem.Thermodyn. 74, 39-42 (2014).

4. M. C. C. Ribeiro, A. A. H. Pádua, M. F. C. Gomes “Glass transition of ionic liquids under high pressure” J. Chem. Phys. 140, 244514 (2014).

5. N. Sanchez-Ramirez, V. L. Martins, R. A. Ando, F. F. Camilo, S. M. Urahata, M. C. C. Ribeiro, R. M. Torresi “Physicochemical Properties of Three Ionic Liquids Containing a Tetracyanoborate Anion and Their Lithium Salt Mixtures” J. Phys. Chem. B 118, 8772-8781 (2014).

6. J. D. Morganti, K. Hoher, M. C. C. Ribeiro, R. A. Ando, L. J. A. Siqueira “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Acidic Gases at Interface of Quaternary Ammonium Ionic Liquids” J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 22012-22020 (2014).

7. S. Nair, M.L. de Souza, D.L.A de Faria, S.C. dos Santos Filho “Formation of Ti(III) and Ti(IV) states in Ti3O5 nano- and microfibers obtained from hydrothermal annealing of C-doped TiO2 on Si.” Thin Solid Films 558, 67-74 (2014).

8. J.P. Gobbo, D.L.A. de Faria, J.R. Martinelli ” Inertization of small-scale chemical wastes using iron phosphate glass” Química Nova 37, 1058-1068 (2014).

9. A. Cavicchioli, C.A. Neves, R.I. Paiva, D.L.A. de Faria ” An upgraded automatic piezoelectric quartz crystal dosimeter for environmental monitoring in indoor cultural heritage conservation areas.” Sensor Actuat B-Chem 190, 1014-1026 (2014).

10. N.D. Bernardino, T.S. Puglieri, D.L.A. de Faria “Effect of MnO2 and α-Fe2O3 on organic binders degradation investigated by Raman spectroscopy.” Vib. Spectrosc. 70, 70-77 (2014).

11. T.S. Puglieri, D.L.A. de Faria, A. Cavicchioli “Indoor corrosion of Pb: Effect of formaldehyde concentration and relative humidity investigated by Raman microscopy.” Vib Spectrosc 71, 24-29 (2014).

12. M.T.C. Sansiviero, D.L.A. de Faria, “Influência do tratamento térmico no nanocompósito fotocatalisador ZnO/TiO2.” Química Nova, publicado on-line em 06/10/2014.

13. F. Marte, V.P. Careaga, N. Mastrangelo, D.L.A. de Faria, M.S. Maier “The Sibyls from the church of San Pedro Telmo: a micro-Raman spectroscopic investigation.” J. Raman Spectrosc.,45, 1046–1051 (2014).

14. C. I. Vazquez; G. F. S. Andrade, M. L. A. Temperini, G. I Lacconi. “Monitoring of Silver Electrodeposition onto HOPG Electrodes in the Presence of Picolinic Acid by in Situ Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectra Measurements.” J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118 (8), 4167-4180.

15. C. H. B. Silva; A. M. Da Costa Ferreira, V. R. L. Constantino, M. L. A. “Temperini, Hybrid materials of polyaniline and acidic hexaniobate nanoscrolls: high polaron formation and improved thermal properties.” Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2014, 2 (22), 8205-8214.

16. G. F. Perotti, J. Tronto, M. A. Bizeto, C. M. S. Izumi, M. L. A. Temperini, A. B. Lugao, D. F. Parra, V. R. L. Constantino. “Biopolymer-Clay Nanocomposites: Cassava Starch and Synthetic Clay Cast Films.” Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 2014, 25 (2), 320-330.

17. M. M. Nobrega, V. L. Martins, R. M. Torresi, M. L. A. Temperini, “One-Step Synthesis, Characterization, and Properties of Emeraldine Salt Nanofibers Containing Gold Nanoparticles.” J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118 (8), 4267-4274.

18. M. M. Nobrega, M. Ceppatelli, M. L. A. Temperini, R. Bini. “Pressure-Induced Reactivity in the Emeraldine Salt and Base Forms of Polyaniline Probed by FTIR and Raman.” J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118 (47), 27559-27566.

19. A. G. M. da Silva, M. L. de Souza, T. S. Rodrigues, R. S. Alves, M. L. A. Temperini, P. H. C. Camargo. “Rapid Synthesis of Hollow Ag-Au Nanodendrites in 15 Seconds by Combining Galvanic Replacement and Precursor Reduction Reactions.” Chemistry-a European Journal 2014, 20 (46), 15040-15046.

20. V. R. R. Cunha, C. M. S. Izumi, P. A. D. Petersen, A. Magalhaes, M. L. A. Temperini, H. M. Petrilli, V. R. L. Constantino. “Mefenamic Acid Anti-Inflammatory Drug: Probing Its Polymorphs by Vibrational (IR and Raman) and Solid-State NMR Spectroscopies.” J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118 (16), 4333-4344.

21. D. d. S. Abreu, T. d. F. Paulo, L. A.Temperini, I. C. N. Diogenes. “Electrochemical, surface enhanced Raman scattering and surface plasmon resonance investigations on the coordination of cyanopyridine to ruthenium on surface.” Electrochimica Acta 2014, 122, 204-209.

22. D. d. S. Abreu, T. d. F. Paulo, R.A. Ando, M. L. A.Temperini, E. A. Batista, E. Longhinotti, I. C. N. Diogenes. “Release of Cyanopyridine from a Ruthenium Complex Adsorbed on Gold: Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering, Electrochemistry, and Density Functional Theory Analyses.” J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118 (48), 27925-27932.

23. A. G. M. DA’SILVA, M. L. DE’SOUZA, T. S. RODRIGUES, R. S. ALVES, M. L. A. Temperini, P. H. C. CAMARGO. Rapid Synthesis of Hollow Ag-Au Nanodendrites in 15 Seconds by Combining Galvanic Replacement and Precursor Reduction Reactions. Chemistry – A European Journal, v. 20, p. 15040-15046, 2014.

24. F. Inoue, R. A. Ando, C. M. S. Izumi, P. Corio “Spectroscopic characterization of carbon nanotube-polypyrrole composites.” J. Phys. Chem. C, 118(31), 18240-18248 (2014).

25. M. L. de Souza, D. C. Tristão, P. Corio “Vibrational study of adsorption of Congo red onto TiO2 and the LSPR effect on its photocatalytic degradation process.” RSC Advances, 4, 23351-23358 (2014).



1. D.C. Rodrigues, G.F.S. Andrade, M.L.A. Temperini “SERS performance of gold nanotubes obtained by sputtering onto polycarbonate track-etched membranes.” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15(4), 1887-1893 (2013).

2. L.F.O. Faria, M.M. Nobrega, M.L.A. Temperini, M.C.C. Ribeiro “Ionic liquids based on the bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide anion for high-pressure Raman spectroscopy measurements.”J. Raman Spectrosc. 44(3), 481-484 (2013).

3. C.C.S. de Oliveira, R.A. Ando, P.H.C. Camargo “Size-controlled synthesis of silver micro/nanowires as enabled by HCL oxidative etching.” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15(6), 1887-1893 (2013).

4. L.F. Lepre, F. Inoue, P. Corio, P.S. Santos, R.A. Ando “Spectroscopic characterization of cadion: UV-vis, resonance Raman and DFT calculations of a versatile metal complexing agent.”J. Raman Spectrosc. 44(4), 567-572 (2013).

5. M.S. Liberato, S. Sogikoski Jr., E.R. Silva, M.D. Coutinho-Neto, L.P.B. Scott, R.H. Silva, V.X. Oliveira Jr., R.A. Ando, W.A. Alves “Self-Assembly of Arg-Phe Nanostructures via the Solid-Vapor Phase Method.” J. Phys. Chem. B 117(3), 733-740 (2013).

6. T.C. Damato, C.C.S. de Oliveira, R.A. Ando, P.H.C. Camargo “A facile approach to TiO2 colloidal spheres decorated with Au nanoparticles displaying well-defined sizes and uniform dispersion.” Langmuir 29(5), 1642-1649 (2013).

7. M.L. de Souza, P. Corio “Effect of silver nanoparticles on TiO2-mediated photodegradation of Alizarin Red S.” Appl. Catal. B-Environ. 136-137, 325-333 (2013).

8. T.F. Paulo, R.A. Ando, I.C.N Diógenes, M.L.A. Temperini “Understanding the equilibria of thio compounds adsorbed on gold by surface-enhanced Raman scattering and density functional theory calculations.” J. Phys. Chem. C 117(12), 6275-6283 (2013).
9. T.C. Penna, L.F.O. Faria, J.R. Matos, M.C.C. Ribeiro “Pressure and temperature effects on intermolecular vibrational dynamics of ionic liquids.” J. Chem. Phys. 138(10), 104503 (2013).

10. V.L. Martins, B.G. Nicolau, S.M. Urahata, M.C.C. Ribeiro, R.M. Torresi “Influence of the Water Content on the Structure and Physicochemical Properties of an Ionic Liquid and Its Li+ Mixture.” J. Phys. Chem. B 117(29), 8782-8792 (2013).

11. R.F. Silva, D.R. Araújo, E.R. Silva, R.A. Andos, W.A. Alves “L-Diphenylalanine Microtubes As a Potential Drug-Delivery System: Characterization, Release Kinetics, and Cytotoxicity.”Langmuir 29(32), 10205-10212 (2013).

12. L. Pison, M.F. Costa Gomes, A.A.H. Pádua, D. Andrault, S. Norman,. C. Hardacre, M.C.C. Ribeiro “Pressure effect on vibrational frequency and dephasing of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ionic liquids.” J. Chem. Phys. 139(5), 054510 (2013).

13. L.F.O. Faria, T.C. Penna, M.C.C. Ribeiro “Raman Spectroscopic Study of Temperature and Pressure Effects on the Ionic Liquid Propylammonium Nitrate.” J. Phys. Chem. B 117(37),10905-10912 (2013).

14. M.M. Nobrega, K.S. Souza, G.F.S. Andrade, P.H.C. Camargo, M.L.A. Temperini, “Emeraldine Salt Form of Polyaniline as Probe Molecule for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Substrates Excited at 1064 nm.” J. Phys. Chem. C 117(35), 18199-18205 (2013).

15. M. C. C. Ribeiro “High-frequency acoustic modes in an ionic liquid” J. Chem. Phys. 139, 114505 (2013).

16. D.L.A. de Faria, T.S. Puglieri, L.A.C. Souza “Metal Corrosion in Polychrome Baroque Lead Sculptures: a Case Study.” J. Brazil. Chem. Soc. 24, 1345-1350 (2013).



1. F. Rodrigues, D. Galante, G.M. do Nascimento, P.S. Santos “Interionic Interactions in Imidazolic Ionic Liquids Probed by Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy.” J. Phys. Chem. B116(5), 1491-1498 (2012).

2. V.R.R. Cunha, V.R.L. Constantino, R.A. Ando”Raman spectroscopy and DFT calculations of para-coumaric acid and its deprotonated species.” Vib. Spectrosc. 58, 139-145 (2012).

3. S. Kogikoski, J.S. Souza, P. Homem-de-Mello, H. Martinho, R.A. Ando, W.A. Alves “Análise Vibracional de Compostos de Coordenação de Níquel(II): Uma abordagem ao ensino dos grupos pontuais.” Quim. Nova 35, 1264-1270 (2012).

4. I.R. Ferreira, R.A. Ando “Shifting the Azo hydrazone tautomeric equilibrium of methyl yellow in acidic medium by the formation of inclusion complexes with cyclodextrins.” Chem. Phys. Lett. 522, 51-53 (2012).

5. M.V. Petri, P.H.C. Camargo, R.A. Ando “Tailoring the structure, composition, optical properties and catalytic activity of Ag-Au nanoparticles by the galvanic replacement reaction.”Chem. Phys. Lett. 531, 188-192 (2012).

6. W.J. Barreto, R.A. Ando, B.M. Estevão, K.P.S. Zanoni “Adsorption of caffeic acid on titanium dioxide: A spectroscopic study.” Spectrochim. Acta A. 92, 16-20 (2012).

7. V.R.R. Cunha, P.A.D. Petersen, M.B. Gonçalves, H.M. Petrilli, C. Taviot-Gueho, F. Leroux, M.L.A. Temperini, V.R.L. Constantino “Structural, Spectroscopic (NMR, IR, and Raman), and DFT Investigation of the Self-Assembled Nanostructure of Pravastatin-LDH (Layered Double Hydroxides) Systems.” Chem. Mater. 24, 1415-1425 (2012).

8. I. Caracelli, M. Vega-Teijido, J. Zukerman-Schpector, M.H.S. Cezari, J.G.S. Lopes, L. Juliano, P.S. Santos, J.V. Comasseto, L.O.R.R. Cunha, E.R.T. Tiekink “A tellurium-based cathepsin B inhibitor: Molecular structure, modelling, molecular docking and biological evaluation.” J. Mol. Struct. 1013, 11-18 (2012).

9. L.M.S. Takata, A.C. Gonçalves, R.A. Ando, A.A. Dos Santos, P.H.C. Camargo “Functionalization of gold and silver nanoparticles with diphenyl dichalcogenides probed by surface enhanced Raman scattering.” J. Raman Spectrosc. 43(6), 712-717 (2012).

10. M.C.C. Ribeiro “High Viscosity of Imidazolium Ionic Liquids with the Hydrogen Sulfate Anion: A Raman Spectroscopy Study.” J. Phys. Chem. B 116(24), 7281-7290 (2012).

11. C.H.B. Silva, N.A. Galiote, F. Huguenin, E. Teixeira-Neto, V.R.L. Constantino, M.L.A. Temperini “Spectroscopic, morphological and electrochromic characterization of layer-by-layer hybrid films of polyaniline and hexaniobate nanoscrolls.” J. Mater. Chem. 22, 14052-14060 (2012).

12. L.F.O Faria, J.R. Matos, M.C.C. Ribeiro “Thermal Analysis and Raman Spectra of Different Phases of the Ionic Liquid Butyltrimethylammonium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide.” J. Phys. Chem. B 116, 9238-9245 (2012).

13. D.P. dos Santos, M.L.A. Temperini, A.G. Brolo, “Mapping the Energy Distribution of SERRS Hot Spots from Anti-Stokes to Stokes Intensity Ratios.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134(32), 13492-13500 (2012).

14. J.C.S Costa, P. Corio, P.H.C. Camargo “Silver-gold nanotubes containing hot spots on their surface: facile synthesis and surface-enhanced Raman scattering investigations.” RSC Adv.2, 9801–9804 (2012).

15. M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Computer simulation study of collective dynamics in the glass former Ca(NO3)2•4H2O.” J. Chem. Phys. 137, 104510 (2012).

16. P.H. Figueiredo, L.J.A. Siqueira, M.C.C. Ribeiro “The Equilibrium Structure of Lithium Salt Solutions in Ether-Functionalized Ammonium Ionic Liquids.” J. Phys. Chem. B 116, 12319-12324 (2012).

17. C.H.B. Silva, D.C. Ferreira, R.A. Ando, M.L.A. Temperini “Aniline-1,4-benzoquinone as a model system for the characterization of products from aniline oligomerization in low acidic media.” Chem. Phys. Lett. 551, 130-133 (2012).

18. S.O. Pinheiro, T.F. Paulo, D.S. de Abreu, E. Longhinotti, C.H.B. Silva, G.F.S. Andrade, M.L.A. Temperini, I.C.N. Diógenes, “Mixed-valence state of symmetric diruthenium complexes: synthesis, characterization, and electron transfer investigation.” Dalton Trans. 41, 14540-14546 (2012).

19. J.C.S. Costa, R.A. Ando, A.C. Sant’Ana, P. Corio, “Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy studies of organophosphorous model molecules and pesticides.” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.14(45), 15645-15651 (2012).

20. M.L. de Souza, P. Corio, A.G. Brolo, “Cu nanoparticles enable plasmonic-improved silicon photovoltaic devices.” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14(45), 15722-15728 (2012).

21. M.M. Nobrega, C.H.B. Silva, V.R.L. Constantino, M.L.A. Temperini, “Spectroscopic Study on the Structural Differences of Thermally Induced Cross-Linking Segments in Emeraldine Salt and Base Forms of Polyaniline.” J. Phys. Chem. B 116, 14191-14200 (2012).

22. A.A. Teixeira-Neto, C.M.S. Izumi, M.L.A. Temperini, A.M.D.C. Ferreira, V.R.L. Constantino, “Hybrid Materials Based on Smectite Clays and Nutraceutical Anthocyanins from the Acai Fruit.” Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 32, 5411-5420 (2012).


1. F.V.A. Otelo, A.C. Sant’Ana, D.L.A. de Faria, C.M.S. Menezes “Molecular modeling and UV vis spectroscopic studies on the mechanism of action of reversed chloroquine (RCQ).”Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 21, 250-254 (2011).

2. D.L.A. de Faria; F.N. Lopes, L.A.C. Souza, H.D.O Castello Breanco “Análise de Pinturas Rupestres do Abrigo do Janelão (MG) por Microscopia Raman.” Quim. Nova 34, 1358-1364 (2011).

3. D.C. Ferreira, J.R. Pires, M.L.A. Temperini “Spectroscopic Characterization of Oligoaniline Microspheres Obtained by an Aniline-Persulfate Approach” J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 1368-1375 (2011).

4. F. Inoue, R.A. Ando, P. Corio “Raman evidence of the interaction between multiwalled carbon nanotubes and nanostructured TiO2.” J. Raman Spectrosc. 42, 1379-1383 (2011).

5. I.O. Fábregas, A.F. Cravievich, M.C.A. Fantini, R.P. Millen, M.L.A. Temperini, D.G. Lamas “Tetragonal-cubic phase boundary in nanocrystalline ZrO2 Y2O3 solid solutions synthesized by gel-combustion.” J. Alloy. Compd. 509, 5177-5182 (2011).

6. J.C.S. Costa, R.A. Ando, P.H.C. Camargo, P. Corio “Understanding the Effect of Adsorption Geometry over Substrate Selectivity in the Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Spectra of Simazine and Atrazine” J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 4184-4190 (2011).

7. C.H.B. Silva, D.C. Ferreira, V.R.L. Constantino, M.L.A. Temperini “Characterization of the products of aniline peroxydisulfate oligo/polymerization in media with different pH by resonance Raman spectroscopy at 413.1 and 1064 nm excitation wavelengths.” J. Raman Spectrosc. 42, 653-1659 (2011).

8. S.R.M. Braga, D.L.A. de Faria, E. de Oliveira, M.A.P. Sobral “Morphological and mineral analysis of dental enamel after erosive challenge in gastric juice and orange juice.” Microsc. Res. Tech. 74, 1083-1087 (2011).

9. W. Alves, A.O Ribeiro, M. Pinheiro, K. Krambrock, F.E. Haber, G. Froyer, O.Chauvet, R.A. Ando, F.L Souza, W.A. Alves “Quenching of Photoactivity in Phthalocyanine Copper(II)-Titanate Nanotube Hybrid Systems.” J. Phys. Chem. C 115(24), 12082-12089 (2011).

10. D.P. dos Santos, G.F. Andrade, A.G. Brolo, M.L.A. Temperini “Fluctuations of the Stokes and anti-Stokes surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering intensities in an electrochemical environment.” Chem. Commun. 47, 7158-7160 (2011).

11. D.L. de Faria, T.S. Puglieri “Um exemplo de aplicação da Microscopia Raman na autenticação de obras de arte.” Quim. Nova 34, 1323-1327 (2011).

12. M.C.C. Ribeiro “Intermolecular vibrations and fast relaxations in supercooled ionic liquids.” J. Chem. Phys. 134, art. no 244507 (2011).

13. G.B.L. Albino, J.A. Rodrigues, Y. Kawano, A. Cassoni “Knoop microhardness and FT-Raman evaluation of composite resins: influence of opacity and photoactivation source.” Brazilian Oral Research 25, 267-273 (2011).

14. M.J. Monteiro, R.A. Ando, L.J.A. Siqueira, F.F. Camilo, P.S. Santos, M.C.C. Ribeiro, R.M. Torresi “Effect of SO2 on the Transport Properties of an Imidazolium Ionic Liquid and Its Lithium Solution.” J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 9662-9670 (2011).

15. L.T. Costa, T. Malaspina, E.E. Fileti, M.C.C. Ribeiro “Molecular dynamics simulation of liquid trimethylphosphine.” J. Chem. Phys. 135, art. no 064506 (2011).

16. H.A. Stefani, J.M. Pena, F. Manarin, R.A. Ando, D.M. Leal, N. Petragnani “Negishi cross-coupling of organotellurium compounds: Synthesis of biaryls, aryl- and diaryl acetylenes.”Tetrahedron Lett. 52, 398-4401 (2011).

17. M.C.C. Ribeiro, T. Scopigno, G. Ruocco “Computer simulation study of thermodynamic scaling of dynamics of 2Ca(NO3)2.3KNO3.” J. Chem. Phys. 135, art no 164510 (2011).

18. L.J.A. Siqueira, M.C.C. Ribeiro “Charge ordering and intermediate range order in ammonium ionic liquids.” J. Chem. Phys. 135, art. no 204506 (2011).

19. H.A. Stefani, M.F.Z.J. Amaral, F. Manarin, R.A. Ando, N.C.S. Silva, W. Juaristi “Functionalization of 2-(S)-isopropyl-5-iodo-pyrimidin-4-ones through Cu(I)-mediated 1,3-dipolar azide-alkyne cycloadditions.” Tetrahedron Lett. 52, 6883-6886 (2011).


1. I. Georgieva, A.J.A. Alquino, N. Tendafilova, P.S. Santos, H. Lischka, “Solvatochromic and lonochromic Effects of Iron(II)bis-(1,10-phenanthroline)dicyano: a Theoretical Study.”Inorg. Chem. 49, 1636-1646 (2010).

2. R.H. Sestrem, D.C. Ferreira, R. Landers, M.L.A. Temperini, G.M. do Nascimento, “Synthesis and Spectroscopic Characterization of Polymer and Oligomers of Ortho-Phenylenediamine.” Eur. Polym. J. 46, 484–493 (2010).

3. P.M. de Castro, M.M. Barra, M.C.C. Ribeiro, S. Aued-Pimentel, S.A. da Silva, M.A.L. de Oliveira, “Total Trans Fatty Acid Analysis in Spreadable Cheese by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis.” J. Agric. Food Chem. 58, 1403–1409 (2010).

4. R.I. Pavia, J.R.C. da Rocha, A. Cavicchioli, F.S. Lopes, D.L.A. de Faria, “Environmental Chambers fot the accelerated ageing: effect of Microclimates on Cultural Heritage.” Quim. Nova 33, 189–219 (2010).

5. M.A. Bizeto, F. Leroux, A.L. Shiguihara, M.L.A. Temperini, O. Sala, V.R.L. Constantino, “Intralamellar structural modifications related to the proton exchanging in K4Nb6O17 layered phase.” J. Phys. Chem. Solids 71, 560–564 (2010).

6. H.C. Garcia, L.F.C. de Oliveira, M.C.C. Ribeiro “Raman spectra of a pseudo-oxocarbon anion in ionic liquids.” J. Raman Spectrosc. 41, 524-528 (2010).

7. M.C.C. Ribeiro “Polarization effects in molecular dynamics simulations of glass-formers Ca(NO3)2-nH2O, n = 4, 6, and 8.” J. Chem. Phys. 132, art. no. 134512 (2010).

8. W.A. Alves, A.C. Sant’Ana, M.P. Abbott, P. Homem-de-Mello, H. Martinho, R.H.A. Santos, J.G. Ferreira, M.L.A. Temperini, A. Paduan-Filho, A.M.C. Ferreira “Dinuclear Azide-Bridged Copper(II) Complex as Building Block for the Assembly of a 2D-Supramolecular Array.” Sci. Adv. Mater. 2, 173-183 (2010).

9. R.A. Ando, D.R.C. Matazo, P.S. Santos, “Detailed analysis of the charge transfer complex N,N-dimethylaniline-SO2 by Raman spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations.”J. Raman Spectrosc. 41, 771-775 (2010).

10. S.O. Pinheiro, T.F. Paulo, M.A.S. Silva, G.F.S. Andrade, M.L.A. Temperini, I.M.M. Carvalho, J.R. Sousa, L.G.F. Lopes, F.A. Dias-Filho, E.H.S. Sousa, E. Longhnotti, M.O. Santiago, I.S. Moreira, I.C.N. Diógenes, “On the Correlation between Electronic Intramolecular Delocalization and Au S Bonding Strength of Ruthenium Tetraammine SAMs.” J. Braz. Chem. Soc.21, 1283-1292 (2010).

11. F. Goncalves, Y. Kawano, R.R. Braga “Contraction stress related to composite inorganic content.” Dent. Mater. 26(7), 704-709 (2010).

12. N.R. Froes-Salgado, L.M. Silva, Y. Kawano, C. Francci, A. Reis, A.D. Loguercio “Composite pre-heating: Effects on marginal adaptation, degree of conversion and mechanical properties.” Dent. Mater. 26(9), 908-914 (2010).

13. S.M. Urahata, M.C.C. Ribeiro “Unraveling Dynamical Heterogeneity in the Ionic Liquid 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Chloride.” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 1(11), 1738-1742 (2010).

14. L.T. Costa, M.C.C. Ribeiro “Computer Simulation of Dynamical Properties of Fluids: Atomistic-Continum Hybrid Methods.” Quim. Nova 33(4), 938-944 (2010).

15. B.G. Nicolau, A. Sturlaugson, K. Fruchey, M.C.C. Ribeiro, M.D. Fayer “Room Temperature Ionic Liquid−Lithium Salt Mixtures: Optical Kerr Effect Dynamical Measurements.” J. Phys. Chem. B 114(25), 8350-8356 (2010).

16. M.C.C. Ribeiro “Low-frequency Raman spectra and fragility of imidazolium ionic liquids.” J. Chem. Phys. 133(2), art. no. 114503 (2010).

17. M.J. Monteiro, F.F. Camilo, M.C.C. Ribeiro, R.M. Torresi “Ether-Bond-Containing Ionic Liquids and the Relevance of the Ether Bond Position to Transport Properties.” J. Phys. Chem. B114(39), 12488–12494 (2010).

18. D.P. dos Santos, G.F.S. Andrade, A.C. Sant’Ana, M.L.A. Temperini “Produção de substratos SERS eficientes através da deposição de ouro sobre um molde de microesferas de poliestireno.” Quim. Nova 33, 2093–2097 (2010).

19. F. Rodrigues, P.S. Santos “Effect of the chain length in the structure of imidazolic ionic liquids and dimethylformamide solutions probed by Raman spectroscopy.” Vib. Spectrosc. 54,123–126 (2010).

20. C.M.S. Izumi, M.L.A. Temperini “FT-Raman investigation of biodegradable polymers: Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate).” Vib. Spectrosc.54, 127–132 (2010).

21. J.C.S. Costa, D.S. Cordeiro, A.C. Sant’Ana, L.M. Rossi, P.S. Santos, P. Corio “Sensing of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid by surface-enhanced Raman scattering.” Vib. Spectrosc. 54,133–136 (2010).

22. M.L. de Souza, P. Corio “Surface-enhanced Raman scattering study of alizarin red S.” Vib. Spectrosc. 54, 137–141 (2010).

23. G.F.S. Andrade, M.L.A. Temperini “Adsorption of 4-aminopyridine on Co and Ag electrodes probed by SERS.” Vib. Spectrosc. 54, 148–154 (2010).

24. L.T. Costa, L.J.A. Siqueira, B.G. Nicolau, M.C.C. Ribeiro “Raman spectra of polymer electrolytes based on poly(ethylene glycol) dimethyl ether, lithium perchlorate, and the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate.” Vib. Spectrosc. 54, 155–158 (2010).

25. D.L.A. de Faria, A. Cavicchioli, T.S. Puglieri “Indoors lead corrosion: Reassessing the role of formaldehyde.” Vib. Spectrosc. 54, 159–163 (2010).

26. C.M.S. Izumi, D.C. Rodrigues, M.L.A. Temperini “The role of solvent on the doping of polyaniline with Fe(III) ions.” Synth. Met. 160(23-24), 2552-2558 (2010).

27. B. Pick, C.C. Gonzaga, W. Steagall Jr., Y. Kawano, R.R. Braga, P.E.C. Cardoso “Influence of Curing Light Attenuation Caused by Aesthetic Indirect Restorative Materials on Resin Cement Polymerization.” Eur. J. Dent. 4(3), 314-323 (2010).

28. G.M. do Nascimento, T.B. Silva, P. Corio, M.S. Dresselhaus “Charge-transfer behavior of polyaniline single wall carbon nanotubes nanocomposites monitored by resonance Raman spectroscopy.” J. Raman Spectrosc. 41, 1587-1593 (2010).

29. G.M. do Nascimento, R.C. de Oliveira, N.A. Pradie, P.R. Gessolo Lins, P.R. Worfel, G.R. Martinez, P. Di Mascio, M.S. Dresselhaus, P. Corio “Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Modified with Organic Dyes: Synthesis, Characterization and Potential Cytotoxic Effects.” J. Photochem. Photobiol. A-Chem. 211, 99-107 (2010).

30. R.I. Paiva, J.C.R. da Rocha, A. Cavichiolli, F.S. Lopes, D.L.A. de Faria “Câmaras climáticas para o envelhecimento acelerado: ação de microambientes sobre bens culturais.” Quim. Nova 33, 189-194 (2010).

31. G.L.B. Araujo, D.L.A. de Faria, M.H. Zaim, F.M. Souza Carvalho, F.R.D. Andrade, J.R. Matos “Thermal studies on polymorphic structures of tibolone.” J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 102, 233-241 (2010).


1. R.A. Ando, P.S. Santos, “Raman spectroscopy of a sulfur dioxide visual sensor: The origin of the two colors in the solid sample.” Vib. Spectrosc. 49, 14–16 (2009).

2. J. Amim Jr, D.F.S. Petri, Y. Kawano,”Thin films od carbohydrate based surfactants and carboxymethylcellulose acetate butyrate mixtures: Morphology and thermal behavior.” Mater. Sci. Eng. C-Biomimetic Supramol. Syst. 29, 420-425 (2009). link

3. A.F. Naves, A.M. Carmona-Ribeiro, L.H. Catalani, Y. Kawano, D.F.S. Petri, R. Casarano, “Crystalline particles from self-assembled divinyl oligomers.” Mater. Sci. Eng. C-Biomimetic Supramol. Syst. 29, 564-570 (2009).

4. L.J.A. Siqueira, M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Alkoxy chain effect on the viscosity of a quaternary ammonium ionic liquid: Molecular dynamics simulations.” J. Phys. Chem. B 113, 1074-1079 (2009).

5. A.C. Sant’Ana, T.C.R. Rocha, P.S. Santos, D. Zanchet, M.L.A. Temperini, “Size-dependent SERS enhancement of colloidal silver nanoplates: the case of 2-amino-5-nitropyridine” J. Raman Spectrosc. 40(2), 183-190 (2009).

6. C. Remuzgo, G.F.S. Andrade, M.L.A. Temperini, M.T.M. Miranda, “Acanthoscurrin Fragment 101–132: Total Synthesis at 60oC of a Novel Difficult Sequence” Biopolymers (Peptide Science) 92(1), 65-75 (2009).

7. E.A. Batista, D.P. dos Santos, G.F.S. Andrade, A.C. Sant’Ana, A.G. Brolo, M.L.A. Temperini, “Using Polycarbonate Membranes as Templates for the Preparation of Au Nanostructures for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering” J. Nanosc. Nanotechnol. 9, 3233-3238 (2009).

8. A.A. Teixeira-Neto, A.L. Shiguihara, C.M.S. Izumi, M.A., Bizeto, F. Leroux, M.L.A. Temperini, V.R.L. Constantino, “A hybrid material assembled by anthocyanins from acai fruit intercalated between niobium lamellar oxide” Dalton Trans. 21, 4136-4145 (2009).

9. C.M.S. Izumi, D.C. Ferreira, A.M.D.C. Ferreira, M.L.A. Temperini, “The role of oxygen in the interaction of emeraldine base polyaniline with Cu(II) or Fe(III) ions in NMP solution”Synth. Met. 159(12), 1165-1173 (2009).

10. C.M.S. Izumi, H.F. Brito, A.M.D.C. Ferreira, V.R.L. Constantino, M.L.A. Temperini, “Spectroscopic investigation of the interactions between emeraldine base polyaniline and Eu(III) ions” Synth. Met. 159(5-6), 377-384 (2009).

11. E.A. Batista, M.L.A. Temperini, “Spectroscopic evidences of the presence of hydrogenated species on the surface of copper during CO2 electroreduction at low cathodic potentials” J. Electroanal. Chem. 629(1-2), 158-163 (2009).

12. T.F. Paulo, S.D. Pinheiro, M.A.S. Da Silva, L.G.D. Lopes, L.S. Pinheiro, G.F.A. Aquino, M.L.A. Temperini, P.D. Neto, I.C.N. Diógenes “Thionicotinamide SAM on Gold: Adsorption Studies and Electroactivity” Electroanalysis 21(9), 1081-1089 (2009).

13. J.C.S. Costa, R.A. Ando, A.C. Sant’Ana, L.M. Rossi, P.S. Santos, M.L.A. Temperini, P. Corio, “High performance gold nanorods and silver nanocubes in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of pesticides” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 7491-7498 (2009).

14. R.A. Ando, N.P.W. Pieczonka, P.S. Santos, R.F. Aroca, “Chromic materials for responsive surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering systems: a nanometric pH sensor” Phys.Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 7505-7508 (2009).

15. C.S. Pfeifer, L.R. Silva, Y. Kawano, R.R. Braga, “Bis-GMA co-polymerizations: influence on conversion, flexural properties, fracture toughness and suceptibility to ethanol degradation of experimental composites” Dent. Mater. 25, 1136-1141 (2009).

16. F. Gonçalves, C.S. Pfeifer, J.W. Stansbury, R.R. Braga, Y. Kawano “Influence of BisGMA, TEGDMA, and BisEMA contents on viscosity, conversion, and flexural strength of experimental resins and composites” Eur. J. Oral Sci. 117, 442-446 (2009).

17. N.R.G. Fóes-Salgado, C.S. Pfeifer, C.E. Francci, Y. Kawano “Influence of Photoactivation Protocol and Light guide distance on conversion and Microlekage of Composite Restorations”Oper. Dent. 34, 408-414 (2009).

18. M.C.C. Ribeiro, T. Scopigno, G. Ruocco “Prigogine-Defay ratio for an ionic glass-former: Molecular dynamics simulations” J. Phys. Chem. B 113, 3099-3014 (2009).

19. H.A. de Abreu, A.L.S. Júnior, A.A. Leitão, L.R.V. de Sá, M.C.C. Ribeiro, R. Diniz, L.F.C. de Oliveira “Solid-State Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Ammonium Salt of Croconate Violet, a Pseudo-Oxocarbon Ion” J. Phys. Chem. A 113, 6446-6452 (2009).

20. M.C.C. Ribeiro “The shoving model for the glass-former LiCl 6H2O: A molecular dynamics simulation study” J. Non-Cryst. Solids 355, 1659-1662 (2009).

21. D.P. dos Santos, G.F.S. Andrade, M.L.A. Temperini, A.G. Brolo “Electrochemical Control of the Time-Dependent Intensity Fluctuations in Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)”J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 17737-17744 (2009).

22. G.F.S. Andrade, M.L.A. Temperini “Identification of species formed after pyridine adsorption on iron, cobalt, nickel and silver electrodes by SERS and theoretical calculations” J. Raman Spectrosc. 40, 1989-1995 (2009).

23. R.H. Sestrem, D.C. Ferreira, R. Landers, M.L.A. Temperini, G.M. do Nascimento “Structure of chemically prepared poly-(para-phenylenediamine) investigated by spectroscopic techniques” Polymer 50, 6043-6048 (2009).

24. P.M. Abdala, A.F. Craievich, M.C.A. Fantini, M.L.A. Temperini, D.G. Lamas “Metastable Phase Diagram of Nanocrystalline ZrO2-Sc2O3 Solid Solutions” J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 18661-18666 (2009).

25. R.A. Ando, A.C. Borin, P.S. Santos “The intramolecular charge transfer in a donor-pi-acceptor dianion probed by resonance Raman spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations” J. Raman Spectrosc. 40, 1158-1168 (2009).

26. D.S. Cordeiro, P. Corio “Electrochemical and Photocatalytic Reactions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Investigated by Raman Spectroscopy” J. Braz. Chem. Soc. 20(1), 80-87 (2009).

27. M.L. de Souza, P. Corio, M.L.A. Temperini, J.A. Temperini “Aplicação de espectroscopias Raman e infravermelho na identificação e quantificação de plastificantes em filmes comerciais de PVC esticável” Quim. Nova 32(6), 1452-1456 (2009). link

28. A.R. Baby, A.C.L. Lacerda, F.D. Sarruf, C.A.S. de Oliveira Pinto, V.O. Consiglieri, C.H. dos Reis Serra, M.V.R. Velasco, Y. Kawano, T.M. Kaneko, “Spectroscopic and thermal characterization of alternative model biomembranes from shed skins of Bothrops jararaca and Spilotis pullatus” Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. 45, 413-428 (2009).

29. G.V.M. Jacintho, A.G. Brolo, P. Corio, P.A.Z. Suarez, J.C. Rubim “Spectroscopic Investigation of MFe2O4 (M = Fe, Co) Magnetic Fluids.” J. Phys. Chem. C 111(18), 7684-7691 (2009).


1. C.E. Bonancêa, G.M. do Nascimento, M.L. de Souza, M.L.A. Temperini, P. Corio, “Surface-enhanced Raman study of electrochemical and photocatalytic degradation of the azo dye Janus Green B.” Applied Catal. B: Environ. 77, 339–345 (2008).

2. G.M. do Nascimento, C.H.B. Silva, M.L.A. Temperini, “Spectroscopic characterization of the structural changes of polyaniline nanofibers after heating” Pol. Degrad. Stability 93(1), 291-297 (2008).

3. R.A. Ando, G.M. do Nascimento, R. Landers, P.S. Santos, “Spectroscopic investigation of conjugated polymers derived from nitroanilines” Spectrochim. Acta A 69(2), 319-326 (2008).

4. W.J. Barreto, R.A. Ando, P.S. Santos, W.P. Silva, “Reaction of a model siderophore with Ni(II), Co(II) and Zn(II) in aqueous solution: Kinetics and spectroscopy” J. Inorg. Biochem.102, 359-363 (2008).

5. M.J. Monteiro, F.F.C. Bazito, L.J.A. Siqueira, M.C.C. Ribeiro, R.M. Torresi, “Transport Coefficients, Raman Spectroscopy, and Computer Simulation of Lithium Salt Solutions in an Ionic Liquid.” J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 2102-2109 (2008).

6. G.M. do Nascimento, A.C.M. Padilha, V.R.L. Constantino, M.L.A. Temperini, “Oxidation of anilinium ions intercalated in montmorillonite clay by electrochemical route.” Coll. Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 318, 245–253 (2008).

7. F.T. Sadek, F.C. Calheiros, P.E.C. Cardoso, Y. Kawano, F. Tay, M. Ferrari, “Early and 24-hour bond strength and degree of conversion of etch-and-rinse and self-etch adhesives” Am. J. Dentistry 21, 30-34 (2008).

8. G.M. Arantes, M.C.C. Ribeiro, “A microscopic view of substitution reactions solvated by ionic liquids.” J. Chem. Phys. 128, art. no. 114503 (2008).

9. R.A. Ando, R. L. O. R. Cunha, L. Juliano, A.C. Borin, P.S. Santos, “The electronic delocalization in para-substituted -nitrostyrenes probed by resonance Raman spectroscopy and quantum-chemical calculations” J. Raman Spectrosc. 39(4), 453-459 (2008).

10. C.M.S. Izumi, V.R.L. Constantino, M.L.A. Temperini, “Polyaniline/Layered Zirconium Phosphate Nanocomposites: Secondary-Like Doped Polyaniline Obtained by the Layer-by-Layer Technique” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 8, 1782–1789 (2008).

11. R.A. Ando, A.P.V. dos Santos, M. Hörner, P.S. Santos, “Bichromophoric behavior of nitrophenyl-triazene anions: a resonance Raman spectroscopy investigation” J. Raman Spectrosc.39(5), 607-610 (2008).

12. K.C.U. Mugnol, R.A. Ando, R.Y. Nagayasu, A. Faljoni-Alario, S. Brochsztain, P.S. Santos, O.R. Nascimento, I.L. Nantes, “Spectroscopic, Structural, and Functional Characterization of the Alternative Low-Spin State of Horse Heart Cytochrome c” Biophys. J. 94, 4066-4077 (2008).

13. D.R.C. Matazo, R.A. Ando, A.C. Borin, P.S. Santo,s “Azo-Hydrazone Tautomerism in Protonated Aminoazobenzenes: Resonance Raman Spectroscopy and Quantum-Chemical Calculations” J. Phys. Chem. A 112, 4437–4443 (2008).

14. C.S. Gonçalves, Y. Kawano, J. Gruber, “Síntese de poli(1,1´-ferrocenilenovinileno) via acoplamento de McMurry” Polímeros 18, 1-4 (2008).

15. R.W.C. Li, L. Ventura, J. Gruber, Y. Kawano, L.R.F. Carvalho, “A selective conductive polymer-based sensor for volatile halogenated organic compounds (VHOC).” Sensors and Actuators B Chem. 131, 646-651 (2008).

16. A. Cavicchioli, D.L.A. de Faria, C.A. Neves, M.T. Antunes, “Automatic devices for monitoring environmentally induced auto-oxidative degradation of artistic materials in conservation sites” Sensors and Actuators B: Chem. 131(2), 462-469 (2008).

17. L.J.A. Siqueira, R.A. Ando, F.F.C. Bazito, R.M. Torresi, P.S. Santos, M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Shielding of Ionic Interactions by Sulfur Dioxide in an Ionic Liquid” J. Phys. Chem. B, 112(20), 6430-6435 (2008).

18. M.C.C. Ribeiro, T. Scopigno, G. Ruocco, “Fragility and glassy dynamics of 2Ca(NO3)2.3KNO3 under pressure: molecular dynamics simulations.” J. Chem. Phys. 128, art. no. 191104 (2008).

19. G.M. do Nascimento, M.L.A. Temperini, “Studies on the resonance Raman spectra of polyaniline obtained with near-IR excitation.” J. Raman Spectrosc. 39(7), 772-778 (2008).

20. O. Sala, “I2- Uma Molécula Didática.” Quim. Nova 31(4), 914-920 (2008).

21. M.F. Costa, M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Molecular dynamics of molten Li2CO3-K2CO3” J. Mol. Liq. 138, 61-68 (2008).

22. E.M.A. Pereira, P.M. Kosaka, H. Rosa, D.B. Vieira, Y. Kawano, D.F.S. Petri, A.M. Carmona-Ribeiro, “Hybrid Materials from Intermolecular Associations between Cationic Lipid and Polymers” J. Phys. Chem. B 112(31), 9301–9310 (2008).

23. G.M. do Nascimento, P.Y.G. Kobata, M.L.A. Temperini, “Structural and Vibrational Characterization of Polyaniline Nanofibers Prepared from Interfacial Polymerization” J. Phys. Chem. B 112(37), 11551 – 11557 (2008).

24. P.R. Lloret, M.L. Turbino, Y. Kawano, F.S. Aguilera, R. Osorio, M. Toledano, “Flexural properties, microleakage, and degree of conversion of a resin polimerized with conventional light and argon laser.” Quintessence Intern. 39, 581-586 (2008).

25. G.F.S. Andrade, A.G. Brolo, M.L.A. Temperini, “Comparison of SERS Performances of Co and Ni Ultrathin Films over Silver to Electrochemically Activated Co and Ni Electrodes” J. Phys. Chem. C 112(39), 15348-15355 (2008).

26. G.M. do Nascimento, C.H.B. Silva, C.M.S. Izumi, M.L.A. Temperini, “The role of cross-linking structures to the formation of one-dimensional nano-organized polyaniline and their Raman fingerprint” Spectrochimica Acta A 71, 869-875 (2008).

27. W.J. Barreto, S.R.G. Barreto, R.A. Ando, P.S. Santos, E. DiMauro, T. Jorge, “Raman, IR, UV–vis and EPR characterization of two copper dioxolene complexes derived from L-dopa and dopamine” Spectrochimica Acta A 71, 1419-1424 (2008).

28. A.C. Sant’Ana, T.C.R. Rocha, P.S. Santos, D. Zanchet, M.L.A. Temperini, “Size-dependent SERS enhancement of colloidal silver nanoplates: the case of 2-amino-5-nitropyridine” J. Raman Spectrosc. 40(2), 183-190 (2008). link

29. G.M. do Nascimento, M.L.A. Temperini, “Structure of polyaniline formed in different inorganic porous materials: A spectroscopy study” Eur. Polym. J. 44, 3501-3511 (2008).

30. C.M.S. Izumi, G.F.S. Andrade, M.L.A. Temperini, “Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering of polyaniline on silver and gold colloids” J. Phys. Chem. B 112(51), 16334-16340 (2008).

31. A. Cassoni, O. Ferla, J.A. Shibli, Y. Kawano, “Knoop Microhardness and FT-Raman Spectroscopic Evaluation of a Resin-Based Dental Matyerial Ligth-Cured by an Argon Ion Laser and Halogen Lamp: an in Vitro Study” Photomed. Laser Surg. 26, 531-539 (2008).


1. O. Sala, “Uma introdução à espectroscopia atômica – O átomo de hidrogênio” Química Nova 30(7), 1773-1775 (2007).

2. R.A. Ando, J.L. Rodríguez-Redondo, A. Sastre-Santos, F. Fernández-Lázaro, G.C. Azzellini, A.C. Borin, P.S. Santos, “Resonance Raman Spectroscopy and Quantum-Chemical Calculations of Push-Pull Molecules: 4-Hydroxy-4′-nitroazobenzene and Its Anion.” Journal of Physical Chemistry. A 111(51), 13452 – 13456 (2007).

3. L.T. Costa, M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Molecular dynamics simulation of polymer electrolytes based on poly(ethylene oxide) and ionic liquids. II. Dynamical properties.” J. Chem. Phys.127(16), 164901/7pp (2007).

4. W.M. Grava, T. Okada, Y. Kawano, “Thermal characterization of Flemion membranes substituted by alkali metal cations.” J. Thermal Anal. Calorim. 89(1), 163-168 (2007).

5. P.M. Kosaka, Y. Kawano, O.A. El Seoud, D.F.S. Petri, “Catalytic Activity of Lipase Immobilized onto Ultrathin Films of Cellulose Esters.” Langmuir 23(24), 12167-12173 (2007).

6. P.M. Kosaka, Y. Kawano, D.F.S. Petri, “Dewetting and surface properties of ultrathin films of cellulose esters.” J. Coll. Interf. Sci. 316(2) 671-677 (2007).

7. L.T. Costa, R.L. Lavall, R.S. Borges, J. Rieumont, G.G. Silva, M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Polymer electrolytes based on poly(ethylene glycol) dimethyl ether and the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate: Preparation, physico-chemical characterization, and theoretical study.” Electrochimica Acta 53(4), 1568-1574 (2007).

8. L.J.A. Siqueira, M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Ionic Liquid N-Ethyl-N,N-dimethyl-N-(2-methoxyethyl)ammonium Bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide.” J. Phys. Chem. B 111(40), 11776-11785 (2007).

9. W.A. Alves, P.S. Santos, “Using Raman spectroscopy to investigate donor-acceptor reactions in the formamide/dimethylsulfoxide/acetonitrile system.” J. Raman Spectrosc. 38(10), 1332-1337 (2007).

10. W.J. Barreto, R.A. Ando, P.S. Santos, W.P. Silva, “Preparation, UV–vis, IR, EPR and resonance Raman study of Fe, Ni, Co and Zn dioxolene complexes.” Spectrochimica Acta Part A68, 612–618 (2007).

11. G.F.S. Andrade, M.L.A. Temperini, “Adsorption of 1,10-phenanthroline on iron, cobalt and nickel electrodes monitored by SERS. Comparison to SERS of phen and its transition metal complexes on silver electrode.” J. Phys. Chem. C 111(37), 13821-13830 (2007).

12. G.F.S. Andrade, M.L.A. Temperini, “The adsorption and faradaic processes of formylferrocene thiosemicarbazone monitored by in situ SERS and UV-VIS spectroscopies.” J. Solid State Electrochem. 11, 1497–1503 (2007).

13. I.C.N. Diógenes, F.C. Nart, M.B.P.M. Barreto, M.L.A. Temperini, Í.S. Moreira, “SERRS study of [Ru(CN)5(pyS)]4- SAM and cytochrome c: A suggestion toward the heterogeneous molecular recognition.” J. Solid State Electrochem. 11, 1585–1590 (2007).

14. E. A. Batista, M. L. A. Temperini, “An in situ SERS and FTIRAS study of salicylate interaction with copper electrode.” J. Solid State Electrochem. 11, 1559–1565 (2007).

15. R.A. Ando, L.J.A. Siqueira, F.C. Bazito, R.M. Torresi, P.S. Santos, “The Sulfur Dioxide 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Bromide Interaction: Drastic Changes in Structural and Physical Properties.” Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 111(30), 8717-8719 (2007).

16. R.A. Ando, A.C. Borin, P.S. Santos, “Saturation of electron-withdrawing capability of the NO2 group in nitroaromatic anions: spectroscopic and quantum chemical evidences.” Journal of Physical Chemistry. A 111(30), 7194-7199 (2007).

17. F.C. Bazito, Y. Kawano, R.M. Torresi, “Synthesis and characterization of two ionic liquids with emphasis on their chemical stability towards metallic lithium.”, Electrochim. Acta 52(23), 6427-6437 (2007).

18. F. Gonçalves, F.C. Calheiros, M.F. Witzel, Y. Kawano, R.R. Braga, “Effect of photoactivation protocol and radiant exposure on monomer conversion and flexural strength of a resin composite after water and ethanol storage.”, J. Biomed. Research B – Appl Biomat. 82(1), 89-92 (2007).

19. M.S. Maier, D.L.A. de Faria, M.T. Boschin, S.D. Parera, M.F. del Castillo Bernal, “Combined use of vibrational spectroscopy and GC-MS methods in the characterization of archaeological pastes from Patagonia.”, Vib. Spectrosc. 44(1), 182-186 (2007).

20. M.C.C. Ribeiro, “High frequency sound velocity in the glass former 2Ca(NO3)2×3KNO3: Molecular dynamics simulations.”, Phys. Rev. B 75(14), 144202 (2007).

21. M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Correlation between quasielastic Raman scattering and configurational entropy in an ionic liquid”, J. Phys. Chem. B 111(18), 5008-5015 (2007).

22. G.M. do Nascimento, P.Y.G. Kobata, R.P. Millen, M.L.A. Temperini, “Raman dispersion in polyaniline base forms.”, Synth. Metals, 157(6-7), 247-251 (2007).

23. I.C.N. Diógenes, I.M.M. de Carvalho, E. Longhnotti, L.G.F. Lopes, M.L.A. Temperini, G.F.S. Andrade, I.S. Moreira, “A study of pyridinethiolate derivative complexes adsorbed on gold by surface-enhanced Raman scattering.”, J. Electroanal. Chem. 605(1), 1-7 (2007).

24. L.S. Pinheiro, M.L.A. Temperini, “Pyridine and pyridine carboxylic acids as guests in a bidimensional hydrogen bond structure analyzed by scanning tunneling microscopy.”, Surface Science, 601(8), 1836-1843 (2007).

25. C.M.S. Izumi, A.M.D.C. Ferreira, V.R.L. Constantino, M.L.A. Temperini, “Studies on the Interaction of Emeraldine Base Polyaniline with Cu(II), Fe(III), and Zn(II) Ions in Solutions and Films”, Macromolecules 40(9), 3204-3212 (2007).
26. F. Rodrigues, G.M. do Nascimento, P.S. Santos, “Studies of ionic liquid solutions by soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy”, J. Electron Spectroc. Rel Phen. 155 (1-3): 148-154 (2007).

27. F. Rodrigues, G.M. do Nascimento, P.S. Santos, “Dissolution and doping of polyaniline emeraldine base in imidazolium ionic liquids investigated by spectroscopic techniques”,Macromol. Rapid Comm. 28 (5): 666-669 (2007).

28. P.M. Kosaka, Y. Kawano, H.M. Petri, M.C.A. Fantini, D.F.S. Petri, “Structure and properties of composites of polyethylene or maleated polyethylene and cellulose or cellulose esters”,J. Appl. Polymer Science, 103(1), 402-411 (2007).

29. J.R. de Sousa, I.C.N. Diógenes, M.L.A. Temperini, F.A.M. Sales, S.O. Pinheiro, R.N. Costa Filho, J.S. de Andrade Jr., I.S. Moreira, “Synthesis, characterization, and SAMs electroactivity of ruthenium complexes with sulfur containing ligands.” J. Organomet. Chem. 692(17), 3691-3699 (2007).

30. A.R. Baby, A.C.L. Lacerda, Y. Kawano, M.V.R. Velasco, T.M. Kaneko, “PAS-FTIR and FT-Raman qualitative characterization of sodium dodecyl sulfate interaction with an alternative stratum corneum model membrane.” Pharmazie 62(10), 727-731 (2007).

31. O. Sala, “Uma introdução à espectroscopia atômica. II – o espectro do sódio.” Quím. Nova 30(8), 2057-2061 (2007).
32. D.L.A. de Faria, F.N. Lopes, “Heated goethite and natural hematite: Can Raman spectroscopy be used to differentiate them?.” Vib. Spectrosc. 45, 117–121 (2007).



1. A. Cavicchioli, D.L.A. de Faria, “Impedance analysis of varnish-modified crystal quartz resonators coupled with FTIR and FT-Raman: assessment of the environmental impact on artistic materials in conservation sites.”, Sensors Actuators B – Chem. 115(2), 656-665 (2006).

2. D.C. Pereira, D.L.A. de Faria, V.R.L. Constantino, “Cu-II hydroxy salts: Characterization of layered compounds by vibrational spectroscopy”, J. Braz. Chem. Soc. 17 (8): 1651-1657 (2006).

3. L.M. Ocampo, O.R. Mattos, I.C.P. Margarit-Mattos, J.D. Fabris, M.C. Pereira, H.R. Rechenberg, D.L.A. de Faria, “Influence of Cu and Ni on the morphology and composition of the rust layer of steels exposed to industrial environment”, Hyperfine Inter. 167 (1-3): 739-746 (2006).

4. C.E. Bonâncea, G.M. do Nascimento, M.L. de Souza, M.L.A. Temperini, P. Corio, “Substrate development for surface-enhanced Raman study of photocatalytic degradation processes: Congo red over silver modified titanium dioxide films”, Applied Cat. B – Environmental 69 (1-2): 34-42 (2006).

5. S.D. Pinheiro, F.O.N. Silva, I.M.M. de Carvalho, L.G.D. Lopes, M.L.A. Temperini, G.F.S. Andrade, I.D. Moreira, I.C.N., “Tetraammine ruthenate complexes: Cationic SAMs for cytochrome c recognition”, J. Braz. Chem. Soc. 17 (8): 1594-1599 (2006).

6. J.C.S. Costa, A.C. Sant’Ana, P. Corio, M.L.A. Temperini, “Chemical analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy”, Talanta, 70 (5): 1011-1016 (2006).

7. A.C. Sant’Ana, L.J.A. Siqueira, P.S. Santos, M.L.A. Temperini, “Vibrational characterization of poly(1-methylpyrrole-co-squaric acid) and poly(1-dodecylpyrrole-co-squaric acid) by enhanced Raman spectroscopy”, J. Raman Spectrosc. 37 (12): 1346-1353 (2006)

8. L.J.A. Siqueira, M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Molecular dynamics simulation of the polymer electrolyte poly(ethylene oxide)/LiClO4. II. Dynamical properties”, J. Chem. Phys. 125 (21): Art. No. 214903 (2006).

9. M.F. Costa, M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Vibrational contribution to dipole polarizability and first hyperpolarizability of LiH”, Quím. Nova 29 (6): 1266-1269 (2006).

10. L.T. Costa, M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Molecular dynamics simulation of polymer electrolytes based on poly(ethylene oxide) and ionic liquids. I. Structural properties”, J. Chem. Phys. 124 (18): Art. No. 184902 (2006).

11. M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Molecular dynamics simulation of liquid sulfur dioxide”, J. Phys. Chem. B 110 (17): 8789-8797 (2006).

12. S.M. Urahata, M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Collective excitations in an ionic liquid”, J. Chem. Phys. 124 (7): Art. No. 074513 (2006).

13. M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Intermediate-range order and collective dynamics in an aqueous solution of trivalent cation”, Phys. Rev. B 73 (1): Art. No. 014201 (2006).

14. R.S. Bitzer, R.P. Pereira, A.M. Rocco, J.G.S. Lopes, P.S. Santos, M.A.C. Nascimento, C.A.L. Filgueiras, “A contribution to the coordination chemistry of 2,3,5,6-tetrakis(alpha-pyridyl)pyrazine (TPP): Synthesis, spectroscopy, electrochemistry, and density-functional study of {[MO(CO)(4)](2)(mu-TPP)}”, J. Organomet. Chem. 691 (9): 2005-2013 (2006).

15. J.G.S. Lopes, F.A. Farani, L.F.C. de Oliveira, P.S. Santos, “Resonance Raman spectra of hydroxyphenyl squaraines: acid-base versus aggregation equilibria”, J. Raman Spectrosc. 37(1-3): 142-147 (2006).

16. G.M. do Nascimento, P.S.M. Barbosa, V.R.L. Constantino, M.L.A. Temperini, “Benzidine oxidation on cationic clay surfaces in aqueous suspension monitored by in situ resonance Raman spectroscopy”, Coll. Surf. A – Phys. Engin Asp. 289 (1-3): 39-46 (2006).

17. G.M. do Nascimento, V.R.L. Constantino, R. Landers, M.L.A. Temperini, “Spectroscopic characterization of polyaniline formed in the presence of montmorillonite clay”, Polymer 47(17): 6131-6139 (2006).

18. I.O. Fábregas, R.O. Fuentes, D.G. Lamas, M.E.F. de Rapp, N.E.W. de Reca, M.C.A. Fantini, A.F. Craievich, R.J. Prado, R.P. Millen, M.L.A. Temperini, “Local structure of the metal-oxygen bond in compositionally homogeneous, nanocrystalline zirconia-ceria solid solutions synthesized by a gel-combustion process”, J. Phys. – Condensed Matter, 18 (34): 7863-7881 (2006)

19. A.C. Sant’Ana, P. Corio, M.L.A. Temperini, “The SERS effect in trace analysis: The role of nanostructured surfaces”, Quím. Nova, 29 (4): 805-810 (2006).

20. G.M. do Nascimento, M.L.A. Temperini, “Nitrogen oxidation states elucidated by X-ray absorption nitrogen K-edge spectroscopy.” Quím. Nova 29 (4): 823-828 (2006).

21. C.M.S. Izumi, V.R.L. Constantino, A.M.C. Ferreira, M.L.A. Temperini, “Spectroscopic characterization of polyaniline doped with transition metal salts”, Synth. Metals 156 (9-10): 654-663 (2006).

22. R.P. Millen, D.L.A. de Faria, M.L.A. Temperini, “A comparison of the Raman dispersion in different polyacetylenes with aromatic ring substituents”, Synth. Metals 156 (5-6): 459-465 (2006).

23. G.M. do Nascimento, C.H.B. Silva, M.L.A. Temperini, “Electronic structure and doping behavior of PANI-NSA nanofibers investigated by resonance Raman spectroscopy”, Macromol Rapid Comm. 27(4), 255-259 (2006).

24. H.B. Aguiar, A.C. Sant’Ana, M.L.A. Temperini, P. Corio, F. Cunha, “Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy analysis of the adsorption of 2-thiouracil to Au, Ag and Cu electrodes: Surface potential dependence”, Vib. Spectrosc. 40(1) 127-132 (2006).

25. W.J. Barreto, S.R.G. Barreto, I. Moreira, Y. Kawano, “Iron oxide and pyrocatechol: a spectroscopic study of the reaction products”, Quím. Nova 29(6) 1255-1258 (2006).

26. F.C. Calheiros, Y. Kawano, J.W. Stransbury, R.R. Braga, “Influence of radiant exposure on contraction stress, degreee of conversion and mechanical properties of resin composites”,Dental Materials 22(9) 799-803 (2006).

27. A.R. Baby, A.C.L. Lacerda, M.V.R. Velasco, P.S. Lopes, Y. Kawano, T.M. Kaneko, “Evaluation of the interaction of surfactants with stratum corneum model membrane from Bothrops jararaca by DSC”, Intern. J. Pharmaceutics 317(1) 7-9 (2006).

28. A.R. Baby, A.C.L. Lacerda, M.V.R. Velasco, P.S. Lopes, Y. Kawano, T.M. Kaneko, “Spectroscopic studies of stratum corneum model membrane from Bothrops jararaca treated with cationic surfactant”, Coll. Surf. B – Biointerfaces 50(1) 61-65 (2006).

29. W.M. Grava, T. Okada, Y. Kawano, “Vibrational and thermal characterization of H2O2 pretreatment effects with perfluorinated sulfonic acid ionomer membranes”, Electrochemistry74(6) 467-473 (2006).

30. P.M. Kosaka, Y. Kawano, M.C.A. Fantini, D.F.S. Petri, “Structure and properties of maleated linear low-density polyethylene and cellulose acetate butyrate blends”, Macromol. Mat. Engin. 295(5) 531-539 (2006).

31. G.F.S. Andrade, L.J.A. Siqueira, M.C.C. Ribeiro, O. Sala, M.L.A. Temperini, “Resonance Raman effect of ferrocene and formylferrocene thiosemicarbazone”, J. Raman Spectrosc. 37(4) 498-507 (2006).


1. A.O. Cavalcante, M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Vibrational dephasing of the croconate dianion in different environments”, J. Raman Spectrosc., 36(10), 996-1000 (2005).

2. M.F. Witzel, F.C. Calheiros, F. Gonçalves, Y. Kawano, R.R. Braga, “Influence of photoactivation method on conversion, mechanical properties, degradation in ethanol and contraction stress of resin-based materials”, J. Dentistry, 33(9) 773-779 (2005).

3. B.B. Postacchini, E.A. de Oliveira, L.F.C.P. de Lima, Y. Kawano, “Effects of UV radiation on optical birefringence of a polyurethane elastomer”, Mol. Crys. Liq. Crys. 437, 1255-1267 (2005).

4. C.M.S. Izumi, V.R.L. Constantino, M.L.A. Temperini, “Spectroscopic characterization of polyaniline formed by using copper(II) in homogeneous and MCM-41 molecular sieve media”, J. Phys. Chem. B 109(47) 22131-22140 (2005).

5 G. Cerchiaro, A.C. Sant’Ana, M.L.A. Temperini, A.M.D.C. Ferreira, “Investigations of different carbohydrate anomers in copper(II) complexes with D-glucose, D-fructose, and D-galactose by Raman and EPR spectroscopy”, Carbohydrate Research 340(15), 2353-2359 (2005).

6 A. Antunes, S.E. Abud, M.L.A. Temperini e S.L. Morelhão, “In vitro Raman spectroscopy of healthy mammals crystalline lenses”, Laser Physics Letters 2(8), 415-419 (2005).

7. J.E.P. da Silva, M.L.A. Temperini, S.I.C. de Torresi, “Characterization of conducting polyaniline blends by resonance Raman spectroscopy”, J. Braz. Chem. Soc. 16(3A), 322-327 (2005).

8. S.M. Urahata e M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Single particle dynamics in ionic liquids of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium cations”, J. Chem. Phys. 122(2), 024511 (2005).

9. M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Intermediate-range order in aqueous solution of salts: a systematic computer simulation study”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. 17(3), 453-467 (2005).

10. R.P. Millen, D.L.A. de Faria e M.L.A. Temperini, “Modelos para Dispersão Raman em Polímeros Conjugados”, Química Nova 28, 289-295 (2005).

11. G.M. Do Nascimento, P. Corio, R.W. Novickis, M.L.A. Temperini e M.S. Dresselhaus “Synthesis and Characterization of Single-Wall-Carbon-Nanotube-Doped Emeraldine Salt and Base Polyaniline Nanocomposites”, J. Polymer Sci. 43, 815-822 (2005).

12. R.S. Bitzer, C.A. Filgueiras, J.G.S. Lopes, P.S. Santos e M.H. Herbst, “Mono and bimetallic chromium complexes containing 2,3,5,6-tetrakis(alpha-pyridyl)pyrazine as a tridentate ligand: synthesis and spectroscopic characterization”, Transition Metal Chem., 30(5), 636-642 (2005).

13. L.J.A. Siqueira, M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Molecular dynamics simulation of the polymer electrolyte poly(ethylene oxide)/LiClO4. 1. Structural properties”, J. Chem. Phys. 122(19) (2005).

14. W.J. Barreto, S.R.G. Barreto, S. Ponzoni, Y. Kawano, E. Di Mauro, H.A. Magossol, V.P. Sinval, “Preparation and Characterization of a Stable Semiquinone-Iron Complex”, Monatshefte fur Chemie/Chemical Monthly, 135(5) 701-712 (2005).
15. P.M. Kosaka, Y. Kawano, M.C. Salvadori, D.F.S. Petri, “Characterization of Ultrathin Films of Cellulose Esters”, Cellulose, 12(4), 351-359 (2005).

16. J. G. S. Lopes e P. S. Santos, “The SERS effect of 1,2-diaminoathraquinone on silver colloids”, J. Mol. Struct., 744-747, 75-78 (2005).

17. P. M. Dias, D. L. A. de Faria e V. R. L. Constantino, “Clay-porphyrin systems: Spectroscopic evidences of TMPyP protonation, nonplanar distortion and meso substituent rotation”, Clays and Clay Minerals, 53(4), 361-371 (2005).

18. M.S. Maier, D.L.A. de Faria, M.T. Boschin, S.D. Parera, “Characterization of reference lipids and their degradation products by Raman spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry”, Arkivoc, (12), 311-318 (2005).


1. G.M. Do Nascimento, V.R.L. Constantino e M.L.A. Temperini “Spectroscopic Characterization of Poly(benzidine) and its Nanocomposite with Cationic Clay”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B (no prelo) 2004.

2. L.G. Lage, P.G. Delgado, Y. Kawano, “Vibrational and Thermal Characterization of Nafion Membranes Substituted by Alkaline Earth Cations’ Eur. Polym. J. 40 (7): 1309-1316 2004,

3. F.C. Calheiros, R.R. Braga, Y. Kawano, R. Y. Ballester, Relationship between Contraction Stress and Degree of Conversion in Restorative Composites, Dental Materials 20 (10): 939-946 (2004).

4. D.L.A. de Faria, H.G.M. Edwards, M.C. Afonso, R.H. Brody e J. L. Morais, Raman spectroscopic analysis of a tembetá: a resin archaeological artefact in need of conservation, Spectrochim. Acta A 60 (7), 1505-1513 (2004).

5. S. M. Urahata, M. C. C. Ribeiro, “Structure of ionic liquids of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium cations: a systematic computer simulation study”, J. Chem. Phys. 120(4), 1855-1863 (2004).

6. M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Translational and reorientational heterogeneity in the glass-forming liquid Ca0.4K0.6(NO3)1.4”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 6(4), 771-774 (2004).

7. H.G.M. Edwards, S.E.J. Villar, A. Rosalie David and D.L.A. de Faria, Nondestructive Analysis of Ancient Egyptian Funerary Relics by Raman Spectroscopic Techniques, Anal. Chim. Acta503, 223 (2004).

8. S.M. Urahata, M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Structure of ionic liquids of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium cations: a systematic computer simulation study”, J. Chem. Phys. 120(4), 1855-1863 (2004).

9. M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Translational and reorientational heterogeneity in the glass-forming liquid Ca0.4K0.6(NO3)1.4”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 6(4), 771-774 (2004).

10. A.O. Cavalcante, S.M. Urahata, M.C.C. Ribeiro, “Molecular dynamics simulation of the squarate anion in acetonitrile solution”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 6(11), 2956-2961 (2004).

11. L. G. Lage, P. G. Delgado, Y. Kawano, “Vibrational and Thermal Characterization of Nafion Membranes Substituted by Alkaline Earth Cations”, European Polymer Journal 40(7), 1309-1316 (2004).

12. F.C. Calheiros, R.R. Braga, Y. Kawano, R.Y. Ballester, “Relationship between Contraction Stress and degree of Conversion in Restorative Composites”, Dental Materials 20(10), 939-946 (2004).

13. A.R. Baby, V. Zague, C.P.M. Maciel, I.M.N. Salgado-Santos, Y. Kawano, E.P.G. Arêas, T.M. Kaneko, V.O. Consiglieri, M.V.R. Velasco, “Development of Cosmetic Mask Formulations”,Rev. Bras. de Ciências Farmacêuticas 40(1) 159-161 (2004).

14. P. Corio, A.P. Santos, P.S. Santos, M.L.A. Temperini, V.W. Brar, M.A. Pimenta, M.S. Dresselhaus, “Characterization of single wall nanotubes filled with silver and chromium compounds”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 383(5-6), 475-480 (2004).

15. J.G.S. Lopes, L.F.C. Oliveira, H. G.M. Edwards e P.S. Santos, “The Raman sectrum of thiourea-oxocarbon adducts”, J. Raman Spectrosc. 35(2), 131-139 (2004).

16. A.C. Sant’Ana, P.S. Santos e M.L.A. Temperini, “The adsortion of squaric acid and its derived species on silver and gold surfaces studied by SERS”, J. Electroanal. Chem. 571(2), 247-254 (2004).

17. A. Horn, C.A.L. Filgueiras, J.L. Wardell, J.G.S. Lopes e P.S. Santos, “A fresh look into VO(salen) chemistry”, Inorg. Chim. Acta 357(14), 4240-4246 (2004).

18. G.M. Do Nascimento, V.R.L. Constantino e M.L.A. Temperini “Spectroscopic Characterization of Poly(benzidine) and its Nanocomposite with Cationic Clays”, J. Phys. Chem. B. 108 , 5564-5571 (2004).

19. G. M do Nascimento, V. R. L. Constantino, R. Landers e M. L. A. Temperini “Aniline Polymerization into Montmorillonite Clay: A Spectroscopic Investigation of the Intercalated Conducting Polymer”, Macromolecules 37, 9373-9385 (2004).

20. G. F. S Andrade, G. A Micke, M. F. M Tavares e M. L. A. Temperini, “Re-examination of the adsorption and reduction processes of thiosemicarbazide at a silver electrode: SERS, UV–visible and capillary electrophoresis studies” J. Raman Spectrosc. 35, 1034-1041 (2004).

21. B. C. Trasferetti, F. P. Rouxinol, R.V.Gelamo, M. A. B. de Moraes, C. U. Davanzo, D. L. A. de Faria, “Berreman effect in amorphous and crystalline WO3 thin films”, J. Phys. Chem. B 108(33), 12333-12338 (2004).

22. D.L.A. de Faria, H.G.M. Edwards, M.C. Afonso, R.H. Brody, J.L. Morais, “Raman spectroscopic analysis of a tembetá: a resin archaeological artefact in need of conservation”,Spectrochim. Acta, Part A – Mol. and Biomol. Spectrosc. 60(7), 1505-1513 (2004).

23. D.L.A. de Faria, S.C. Lima, M.C. Afonso e H.G.M. Edwards, “Raman Spectroscopy of Brazilian Archaeological and Ethnographic Resins”, Anais do IRUG 6 Conference, Florença (Itália), 2004. Texto completo.

24. A. Cavicchioli e D.L.A. de Faria, “FT-Raman Studies of Thin Films of Natural Varnishes”, Anais do IRUG 6 Conference, Florença (Itália), 2004. Texto completo.

25. D.L.A. de Faria, M.C. Afonso, S.C. Lima e H.G.M. Edwards, “Brazilian Cultural Heritage under a New Light”, Anais do 8th International Congress on Applied Mineralogy, Águas de Lindóia (SP), 2004. Texto completo.

26. A.M. Pereira Neto, O. Sala, “The effect of temperature and LiClO4 in the water structure: a Raman spectroscopy study”, Braz. J. Phys. 34(1), 137-141 (2004).

27. B.M. Vuano, S.G. Acebal, O. Sala, O. Brieux, O.I. Pieroni, “2-Hydroxy-2-oxo-1,4,2-oxaazaphospha(V)cyclohexane-4-methylenephosphonic acid (OAPhMPh): its structure and symmetry by vibrational spectroscopy.”, J. Mol. Struct. 690(1-3), 77-81 (2004).


1. N.S. Gonçalves, L.K. Noda, A.M.P. Neto, P.S. Santos e O. Sala, “Vibrational and resonance Raman study of dithiosquarate” J. Molec. Struct. 645 185 (2003).

2. P. Corio, P.S. Santos, V.W. Brar, G.G. Samsonidze, S.G. Chou e M.S. Dresselhaus, Chem. Phys. Letters, 370, 675 (2003).

3. J.R. de Sousa, A.A.Batista, I.C.N. Diógenes, G.F.S. Andrade, M.L.A. Temperini, L.G. F. Lopes, I.S. Moreira, “ Characterization of a 1,4-dithiane gold self-assembled monolayer: na electrocnemical sensor for the cyt-c redox process” J. Electroanal. Chem. 543 93 (2003).

4. M.M.B. Pessoa, G.F.S. Andrade, M.R. ddos Santos, M.L.A. Temperini, “The electrochemical reduction of 2-formylpyridine thiosemicarbazone monitored by SERS and UV-vis spectroscopies” J. Electroanl. Chem. 545 117 (2003).

5. Y. Wang, Y. Kawano, S.R. Aubuchon, R.A. Palmer, TGA and Time-Dependent FTIR Study of Dehydrating Nafion-Na Membrane Indicate its Water IR Spectra be Size-Dependent, Macromolecules, 36(4), 1138 (2003).

6. H.G.M. Edwards, P. Middleton, S.E. Jorge Villar e D.L.A. de Faria “Romano-British Wall Paintings II: Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of the Whitehall Farm Villa Site” Anal. Chim. Acta,aceito em março/2003.

7. D.L.A. de Faria, H.G.M. Edwards, M.C. Afonso, R.H. Brody e J. L. Morais “Raman spectroscopic analysis of a tembetá: a resin archaeological artefact in need of conservation”, Spectrochim. Acta, aceito em março/2003.

8. Dalva Lúcia A. de Faria, Marisa C. Afonso, Howell G.M. Edwards Espectroscopia Raman: uma nova luz no estudo de bens culturais Revista do MAE, aceito em fevereiro/2003.

9. P.M.Dias, D.L.A. de Faria e V.R.L. Constantino “Spectroscopic characterization of natural and synthetic clays saturated with cationic porphyrin” Clays and Clay Minerals, submetido em março/2003.

10. D.L.A. de Faria e F.N. Lopes “Hematite and heated goethite: can Raman Spectroscopy differentiate them ?” The Analyst, submetido em abril de 2003.

11. A.C. Sant’Ana, W.A. Alves, R.H.A. Santos, A.M.D. Ferreira e M.L.A. Temperini: “The adsorption process of 2,2’:6’,2”-terpyridine, 4’-(5-mercaptopentyl)-2,2’:6’,2”-terpyridinyl, and perchlorate on silver and copper surfaces monitored by SERS”; Polyhedron, submetido em abril de 2003.

12. P.G.S. Campos, E.M. Santos, Y. Kawano and D.F.S. Petri, Chemically Modified Polyolefins with Maleic and Tetrahydrophtalic Anhydrides by Wet Reaction and Reactive Processing” (2003)

13. S.L.A. da Silva, M.L.A. Temperini e G.G. de Barros, “ Conducting Properties of Iodine-Doped Low Density Polyethylene-Poly(4-vinylpyridine) Blends, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 87, 939-944 (2003).

14. J.R. de Sousa, A.A.Batista, I.C.N. Diógenes, G.F.S. Andrade, M.L.A. Temperini, L.G. F. Lopes, I.S. Moreira, “ Characterization of a 1,4-dithiane gold self-assembled monolayer: na electrochemical sensor for the cyt-c redox process” J. Electroanal. Chem. 543, 93-99 (2003).

15. M.M.B. Pessoa, G.F.S. Andrade, M.R. ddos Santos, M.L.A. Temperini, “The electrochemical reduction of 2-formylpyridine thiosemicarbazone monitored by SERS and UV-vis spectroscopies” J. Electroanl. Chem. 545, 117-123 (2003).

16. M. Ferreira, V. Zucolotto, J.L. Constantino, Marcia L. A. Temperini, R. M. Torresi e O.N. Oliviera Jr., “Layer-by-Layer Hybrid Films of Polyaniline and Vanadium Oxide”, Synth. Metals 137, 969-970 (2003).

17. I.C.N. Diógenes, J.R. de Sousa, I.M.M. de Carvalho, M.L.A. Temperini, A. A. Tanaka e I.S. Moreira, “Self-assembled monolayers formed by [M(CN)5(pyS) (M= Fe, Ru) on gold: a comparative study on stability and efficiency to assess the cyt c heterogeneous electron tranfes reaction” Dalton Trans. 11, 2231-2236 (2003).

18. A.C. Sant’Ana, W.A. Alves, R.H.A. Santos, A.M.D. Ferreira e M.L.A. Temperini, “ The adsorptio of 2,2’:6’,2”-terpyridine, 4’-(5-mercaptopentyl)-2,2’:6,2”terpyridinyl, and perchlorate on silver and copper surfaces monitored by SERS”, Polyhedron 22, 1673-1682 (2003).

19. M. Ferreira, F. Huguenin, V. Zulcolotto, J.E.P. Silva, M.L.A. Temperini, R.M. Torresi e O. N. Oliveira Jr., “Electroative multilayer films of polyaniline and vanadium pentoxide.” J. Phys. Chem. 101, 8351-8354 (2003).

20. J.E.P. Silva, M.L.A. Temperini e S.I.C. Torresi, “Relation between structure and homogeneity of polyaniline blends by IR and Raman spectroscopies” Synth. Metals 135-136, 133-134 (2003).

21. P. Corio, P.S. Santos, V.W. Brar, et al. “Potential dependent surface Raman spectroscopy of single wall carbon nonotube films on platinum electrodes” Chem. Phys. Lett 370 (5-6), 675-682 (2003).

22. N.S. Gonçalves, L.K. Noda, A.M.P. Neto, et al. “Vibrational and resonance Raman study of dithiosquarate”, J. Mol. Struct. 645 (2-3), 185-191 (2003).

23. W.J. Barreto, H. de Santana, F.A.S. Almeida, D.N. Ishikawa, Y.Kawano, Characterization and Decomposition Mechanism of an Unusual Nickel Thiocyanate and 4-Methylpyridine Polymeric Complex, J. of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 70(2), 199-210 (2003).

24. W.J. Barreto, S.R.G. Barreto, Y. Kawano, L.F.C. de Oliveira, E. Di Mauro, F.M.M. Paschoal, Preparation and Spectroscopic Characterization of two Mn(II) Semiquinone Complexes,Monatshefte fur Chemie, Chemical Monthly,134(12), 1545-1554 (2003).

25. M. C. C. Ribeiro, “Chemla effect in molten LiCl/KCl and LiF/KF mixtures”, J. Phys. Chem. B 107(18), 4392-4402 (2003).

26. S. M. Urahata, M. C. C. Ribeiro, “Molecular dynamics simulation of molten LiNO3 with flexible and polarizable anions”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 5(12), 2619-2624 (2003).

27. M. C. C. Ribeiro, “Molecular dynamics study on the glass transition in Ca0.4K0.6(NO3)1.4”, J. Phys. Chem. B 107(35), 9520-9527 (2003).

28. L. A. Siqueira, S. M. Urahata, M. C. C. Ribeiro, “Molecular dynamics simulation of molten sodium chlorate”, J. Chem. Phys. 119(15), 8002-8012 (2003).

29. A. O. Cavalcante, M. C. C. Ribeiro, “Raman bandshape analysis of a low temperature molten salt”, J. Chem. Phys. 119(16) 8567-8576 (2003).

30. H.G.M. Edwards, P. Middleton, S.E. Jorge Villar e D.L.A. de Faria, “Romano-British Wall Paintings II: Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of the Whitehall Farm Villa Site”, Analytica Chim.Acta 484, 211 (2003).

31. R.A. Antunes, I. Costa e D.L.A. de Faria, “Characterization of atmospheric corrosion products formed on steels”, Materials Research 6, 403 (2003).

32. S.T. Reis, W.M. Pontuschka e D.L.A. de Faria, Properties and structural features of iron doped BABAL glasses, Materials Research 6, 389 (2003).

33. Dalva Lúcia A. de Faria, Marisa C. Afonso, Howell G.M. Edwards, Espectroscopia Raman: uma nova luz no estudo de bens culturais, Revista do MAE 12, 249 (2002) – publicado em agosto/2003


1. I. C.N. Diógenes, F.C. Nart, M.L.A. Temperini e I.S. Moreira, “ The Stability Study of Pentacyano(4-mercaptopyridine)ruthenate(II) Self-Assembled Monolayer onto Gold Surface” Electroanalysis, 14, 153 (2002).

2. G.M. do Nascimento, J.E. Pereira da Silva, S.I. Córdoba de Torresi e M.L.A. Temperini “Comparison of Secondary Doping and Thermal Treatment in PoLy(diphenylamine) and Polyaniline Monitored by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy” Macromolecules, 35, 121 (2002).

3. P. Corio, G.F.S. Andrade I. C.N. Diógenes, F.C. Nart, I.S. Moreira e M.L.A. Temperini “Characterization of the [Ru(CN)5(pyS)]4- ion complex adsorbed on gold silver and copper by Surface-Enhanced Ramn Spectroscopy” J. Electroanal. Chem., 520 , 40(2002).

4. M.M.B. Pessôa e M.L.A. Temperini “Competition Between Adsorption and Complexation on Silver as Monitored by Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering” J. Raman Spectrosc.,33, 50 (2002).

5. R.P. Millen, D.L.A. de Faria e M.L.A. Temperini, “Raman Dispersion in a Substituted Polyacetylene”, Synth. Metals, 126, 279 (2002).

6. G.M. do Nascimento, J.E. Pereira da Silva, S.I. Córdoba de Torresi, P.S. Santos e M.L.A. Temperini, “Spectroscopic Characterization of the Inclusion Compound Formed by Polyaniline and -Cyclodextrine” Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 374, 55(2002).
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